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A bow that look like somthing out of the Apocrypha.


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I world like see a bow that is inspired by hermaeus mora, A bow, a bow that has tentacles going around the arm of the bow and seeing it just devastate enemies. sure its lore braking but isent all mod lore braking in some way (dont quote me on that) just make your own lore say that " The bow was a daedric bow welded by the the false dragonborn and that Hermaeus mora refused that he word use it in battle and cast in the abyss of Apocrypha and was transfored into what you see today" or something along those lines

bottom line make a bow that look like somthing out of the Apocrypha

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I like designing weapons, but I'm not very good with 3D. However, I did post a thread asking if anyone wanted to help turning my 2D drawings into 3D, so if anyone accepts, I can try designing something like this. In fact, I think I'll start drawing now. It will probably be inspired by how the seekers look, and Miraak's sword.


Edit: I am also trying to learn how to 3D modell, so even if I can't find someone to help, I might try this myself. I'm still young and a student though, so don't expect too much.


Edit 2: Seems like I somehow quoted a post from another thead in this post. I'm really not sure what happened, but I removed that quote.

Edited by tuwas1
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Alright, here's the concept art that I've made for the bow. I have four different versions, please tell me which one you like the best and I'll make the bow look like that. :smile: Assuming you like any of them. And I'm not very good at coloring, sorry. :sad: I'll try my best when I'll make the textures, but I can't promise that they'll look that great.

I have also drawn some concept art for apocryphal arrows and a quiver, but i'll be focusing on getting the bow done first. And I have some questions, where should I place the bow in the world? Unfortunately, I only have the Dragonborn DLC for my PS3 version of Skyrim and not my PC version, so while I would like to place it somewhere in Apocrypha or Solsteihm, I can't. :sad: I'm thinking about making it craftable, or placing it in Septimus Signus's Outpost.

Anyways, here's the bows:


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I've been thinking about that. Well, so long I actually finish the 3D model you can count on my finishing the project. You see, i'm the biggest procrastinator, but if I get that far, I'll make sure to see this project through. It's looking ok so far, but it's taking a while since I don't actually really know how to use the program I'm modeling in, so I have to learn how to use the program while modeling the bow.

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Hmm...I'm trying to add the enchant shader that makes the tentacles on the sword to a bow, but it makes the game crash whenever I go to the bow in the inventory. I have tested different combinations of enchant art/enchant shader, and have narrowed it down to the enchant shader called DLC2mkTentacleFXShader. I can't figure out why it crashes. The shader is applied to the object in the worldspace, and looks pretty cool. I can even pick it up. I just can't select it in the inventory.

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