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Mods won't work


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I have game of the year edition, Vanilla, and the only mod I've managed to get working was the "all shapes and sizes" mod. Not a single other one works, and I'm sure I have it installed properly. NOTE: They show up in the data files.



Sorry, false alarm for now, I have a GOTY dual pack with Bioshock, so the version isn't updated, and I tried putting the american patch on it when I got it from the netherlands -_- EPIC FAIL

Edited by Sheryov
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I vaguely remember a supposed GOTY that was a combo of Oblivion and Bioshock. As I remember it is NOT the true GOTY and does not include Shivering Isles or any of the DLCs. :confused:


Again, this is from a post 2 or more years ago. As I remember, the Oblivion was not patched and you needed the Oblivion Only patch. The combo was a special marketing gimmick for some retail chain I think.

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