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Mod Request: Longer Despawn Times for Dead Enemies

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Dunno about you, but I enjoy seeing the results of the carnage I visit upon the world. After I've waltzed into a bandit camp and cut down half a dozen ne'er-do-wells, I like to leisurely wander through the destruction I've caused, picking pockets and rifling through money purses. I want to gloat over the bisected corpse of that one archer who managed to hit me with a bolt before I cut him in half lengthwise. It's not nearly as much fun when all that remains after a few seconds are loot bags glimmering in the dust.


Surely there's code in there somewhere that will lengthen the time before a corpse despawns. It doesn't have to be measured in days - there are enough ghouls roaming around that the bodies will not last forever - but surely they should last long enough for me to exit the area, with a last look back at the evidence of a witcher's fury.

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