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To much anime on the Nexus?


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personally i think there's enough quantity of mods to suit everyone, its true the fact that anime-manga ones are quite a lot of them, abusiveunclejoe took the point, there's mangas or animes that can "fit" somehow, but rarely are the chosen ones, naruto and bleach there's a lot of them... for an example, i am fan of the Berserk saga, i have seen few mods, well i agree that the dragonslayer sword don't fit really XD but if anyone know the manga, that one sure knows that the 99% can fit in oblivion...
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People have to remember that these mods are created for the author to use first of all, then if they deem necessary, they will share it to the public. As fellow mods users, we can only request them, not forcing them to make which mods and what kind of content in the mods.


Too much anime? One could say the same with too much normal type? If majority of people like it, then it should be the way it is. If you don't like "too much" of something, then create it yourself. It's how the world works, we follow with the majority and if we don't like it, change it ourselves.

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I have to agree,(Thiiiis will be a rant. This is a hot topic for me) there are a ton of adult based themes that have nothing to do with saving the races in Oblivion from certain doom. It down right pisses me off that fanboys can't go one game without incorporating their soul caliber and final fantasy women, costumes and swords into here, however they are free to do that and I would do the same thing, except make sex mods and animations. What the hell that has to do with being a warrior and fighting off evil, I don't know, but it CAN be done and there's nothing stopping people. I'm a fan of many weapons from various games and I would like to put them in here, but they're not from such overly popular games like final fantasy or animes. I have yet to see Ezio's hidden blade from Assassin's Creed. What do I see: A scythe from some anime series I've never heard of and it's got 50 thou downloads. I would like to see someone bring out an animation of how Ezio fights with his hidden blade. That's a lot of laborious study, but that would be a HUUGE hit and it's NOT Final Fantasy or the like.



Another thing that's rife in the mods is the inspiration is just japanese-based and inspired content period. I'm disappointed that there is a lack of originality and appreciation for the ACTUAL time period of oblivion. Granted there are a boat load of mods that keep the theme, but I've seen more japanese based women, animations and such than anything else. I've never seen so many damned kitanas in my life in a weapons seciton. highly dissapointing and mundane. People like that, but why do they think they like it in the first place? Chew on that. I've gotten headaches, sitting and strafing through mods for clothing and armor starting from freaking page one till the very end. I saw maybe three things that I would tolerate and COULD make sense of out of over 200 pages of mods for women. My character has no elaborate clothing that doesn't cover her. Why? Because sex sells and I don't have time for sex, I'm obligated to save the peoples from being over run by demonic forces, damnit, I'm not playing to look like I could float on a cloud at the gentlemen's club. And that guy over there wants his sexy, bulging, amazonian woman to slash the crap out of a troll and look good doing it. (Shrugs) He's just as free as I am to play as he wants that's the whole point and I mean no offense, I'm the one who's rather offended, but what am I expecting anymore? I've seen some interesting clothing and armor designs, but they were ruined by the excessive cleavage and lack of crotch support (Don't forget the plump buttcheeks with string up the crack)(Very uncomfortable and just...no) (scoffs) I know I would want to see things I like, but the thing is..I don't. Not that I can actually find.


A beautiful rendition of an elegant dress I have yet to see. Something inspired by real historical attire, but original. Something exaggerated to look princessy like the black finery in the game. I have not seen anyone go all out to make something like that yet from scratch. I wonder why nobody has this idea to do something like that. But then, it might not be as easy as it sounds to render that into a mod. If it has been done, give me a link cause I saw notin' of dah sort in clothing that I see in my head. I saw a few dresses, but they weren't as exaggerated as I picture.


I don't want my woman to have boobs big enough to choke a baby elephant when it feeds (I can't see why they SHOULD be that big besides something along those lines) and I don't need to see her ass, crotch or boobs sticking out to be sliced off in battle because she has no armor covering her body. The popular line: Don't look at it and Just Move On. (Yeah I keep moving on to find more of it and then nothing I could use) There SHOULD be another section that has practical armor. It is a fantasy game and...you pretty much fill in the blanks, understandable for the men (Mostly men) and women that want orgasmic sex models to play as, but there is a favoring of anime-based themes on here and those. It's personal preference. As much as I am always whining, nobody really cares. You just have to move on. Just remember the majority is not the minority and the minority get screwed everytime one way or another.


Anime is popular in general. As an artist who tries to flee from it since I stopped drawing it years ago, it follows me to college in clubs, on the net, even into Oblivion which I was honored to play, let alone mod to find out it's rife here as well. I can't get away from it and neither can anyone else. You're not going to far. You're spot on. Sex sells and it will forever more so I'd say make a suggestion for a practical folder with armor, cloths, and weapons because I've learned I have to share with everyone else, unfortunately. Practicality fails when it comes to RPG's so it's best to just move along and possibly just start making your own dang mods since you can't find ones that fit your tastes. Even request what you would like. Otherwise it's pretty miserable dwelling too much on it.

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I think it will always be a case of sifting through the garbage to find a few gems. Regardless of what one's tastes are, there are mods that you'll like and mods that you won't.


Personally, I'd rather there be 100 mods of which 90% I don't like, rather than only 10 mods all of which I like. More modmakers = more mods. :)

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I think the main thing that people forget is that modders do not make mods for other people, they make them for themselves and if they feel like sharing they do so. There are of course exceptions to this (like the requests forum modders)


While there are many mods on this site, I don't think there are too many Anime styled mods. you need to look for things that you want, not what everyone else wants.

If you stop looking for Anime you wont find it. c:

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