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No voices except imperial's


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I just installed xeo v4.7 ( http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/22787/? )


when I play with this, I only get subtitles but no dialogue file or lips animation is loading for elves, nords etc... Only the Imperials are working as well.


Is there any way to fix this? The only matter like I said is that no sound is getting out of some races. I use the French version of the Goty bought on Steam.


Thank you so much, suggest me anything that can help.

Edited by JimmyRyder
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You will need a translation of that plugin most likely. Every plugin touching race records will also switch their voices to the language of the game it was created in.

For some obscure reason in Oblivion the race's display name also defines/affects the name of the folder where the voices for the race are found in.


In your French version of the game the races' folders are using the French names of the races, while once having an English plugin inside your load order the game will suddenly search for the English folders instead for the voices and sounds.

That's why mixing languages of plugins and games are always a pretty bad idea in general. At the least it inevitably results in races loosing their voice files and turning mute in the process.


Isn't there a simple translation tool flying around for like automatic translation of at least those folder names and similar things? It's been quite a while, but I remember seeing one on some of your community's websites as well as the German's.

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I extracted the Sounds.bsa or something and I see what you are talking about, only the "Imperial" name is similar to the English one. The others races were wrote in French, so do you know anything about renaming those files to make the game run them with the english ones?


I know what is the problem now thank you very much, I'm going to try to fix it.

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I FIXED IT!! I can use Xeo V 5.0 with French voices.


I'm going to explain how I did it in case some people has the same problem.


I first installed an Unofficial Patch, then all I did was extracted Voices 1.bsa and Voices 2.bsa to get all the voices, then I renamed the files


Rougegarde -> Redguard

Nordique -> Nord

Imperial -> Imperial

Argonien -> Argonian

Drémora -> Dremora

Haut elfe -> High Elf


And I copied and pasted it in Data/Sounds/voices/oblivion.esm (don't know if this was here thanks to the patch)


Thank you DrakeTheDragon.

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I don't think you have to extract and rename sound folders.... Translating the plugin is enough. Of course, it means translate every vanilla race names to the language of your game. I recommend you to use TES4Edit so you can compare which vanilla records are changed(and do not forget to translate duplicated races as well).

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