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No save after level up


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I am crashing trying to save after a level up. I have tried the old Oblivion trick to lower my level through the console before the level up, removed all mods affecting perks, stats, etc, have tried changing areas before I save, I even removed all mods and tried to level up vanilla. I've tried starting at save points going back two hours of play time. Nothing seems to work. I am trying to level to level 28. If I don't save right away and play on, play is normal until I try to save, then it crashes the game. Any ideas?
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Load your save, then kill yourself with the console (prid player, kill) and let the game reload the save. Then save to a new file. Not sure exactly why this works, but it has saved a handful of my characters from an early retirement.


No dice. I have even tried starting a new game with totally new mods. It's getting slowly worse. With a new game I can't get passed level two without the save game crash happening. Any new thoughts anyone?

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Try it without ANY mods. Still have the problem? Probably not. Then slowly enable each mod until the problem starts again. Ders yer sign.


Yep .... Legion_add.esp. Tried to edit with FNVEdit, but couldn't see any probs. Just added NPC's. One of the NPC's must be touchy and should only be used once. None had scripts attached nor were they quest NPC's .... sigh. Ended up dumping it and writing my own mod to add legion troops.


Note: This was a LOOOOONG process to eliminate which mod since I run over sixty of them.

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