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Does the word MMO leave a negative connotation in anyone else's mi


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Like, I don't mean to offend anyone, but whenever I think of an MMO I think of a large, overweight man eating Cheeto's off of his chest. I was all excited about KOTOR 3 coming out, and then they told me it was an MMO and all I could think about was that man... I don't know, it just seems weird to me to have an MMO. Does the image of the Cheeto-man appear in anyone else's mind when they hear about MMO's? I'm not saying anyone who plays an MMO is a Cheeto-man, but thats just what pops into my head. I did hear about that zombie game, which is supposed to be a zombie apocalypse MMO, which sounds okay. I just won't play it unless its on the Xbox as well. I just freaks me out too much. So anyone care to share what they think of when I say "MMO"?


Edit: The title cut off the word mind.

Edited by yoba333
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Like, I don't mean to offend anyone, but whenever I think of an MMO I think of a large, overweight man eating Cheeto's off of his chest. I was all excited about KOTOR 3 coming out, and then they told me it was an MMO and all I could think about was that man... I don't know, it just seems weird to me to have an MMO. Does the image of the Cheeto-man appear in anyone else's mind when they hear about MMO's? I'm not saying anyone who plays an MMO is a Cheeto-man, but thats just what pops into my head. I did hear about that zombie game, which is supposed to be a zombie apocalypse MMO, which sounds okay. I just won't play it unless its on the Xbox as well. I just freaks me out too much. So anyone care to share what they think of when I say "MMO"?


Edit: The title cut off the word mind.


Do all Brits drink tea at 5pm?

Are all Yanks obese?


A stereotype is just what it is, a prejudicial assumption.

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overweight man eating Cheeto's off of his chest

hahahahttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif I guess that would be the MASSIVE (multi) PLAYER ONLINE part.


Yeah, I've got that image, too, a bit. South Park did their part in that job, with their WoW episode (which I thought was absolutely hilarious, if that needs to be said). I too was/am hyped and bumbed by KOTOR 3 being what it will be. I was afraid they were going to do that to Skyrim, to take the place of the failing WoW, but thank the gods, they didn't.


And let's not forget another thing: stereotypes exist for the simple reason that THERE IS TRUTH THERE (just not all the time with everybody), or else the stereotype wouldn't exist.



Example: (again from South Park) The Sleepy Mexican on the Job. Truth to it? Sure there is. Why? Because Mexicans are lazy? Of course not. Many people are going to be sleepy if they worked two to three jobs, so the stereotype exists in the US because many Mexicans work long hours at multiple jobs to get their families a foothold in a more stable country.

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Like, I don't mean to offend anyone, but whenever I think of an MMO I think of a large, overweight man eating Cheeto's off of his chest. I was all excited about KOTOR 3 coming out, and then they told me it was an MMO and all I could think about was that man... I don't know, it just seems weird to me to have an MMO. Does the image of the Cheeto-man appear in anyone else's mind when they hear about MMO's? I'm not saying anyone who plays an MMO is a Cheeto-man, but thats just what pops into my head. I did hear about that zombie game, which is supposed to be a zombie apocalypse MMO, which sounds okay. I just won't play it unless its on the Xbox as well. I just freaks me out too much. So anyone care to share what they think of when I say "MMO"?


Edit: The title cut off the word mind.


Do all Brits drink tea at 5pm?

Are all Yanks obese?


A stereotype is just what it is, a prejudicial assumption.


I'm not saying all or any MMO players are like that, I just wanted to share with you all the disturbing image I have.



overweight man eating Cheeto's off of his chest

hahahahttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif I guess that would be the MASSIVE (multi) PLAYER ONLINE part.


Yeah, I've got that image, too, a bit. South Park did their part in that job, with their WoW episode (which I thought was absolutely hilarious, if that needs to be said). I too was/am hyped and bumbed by KOTOR 3 being what it will be. I was afraid they were going to do that to Skyrim, to take the place of the failing WoW, but thank the gods, they didn't.


And let's not forget another thing: stereotypes exist for the simple reason that THERE IS TRUTH THERE (just not all the time with everybody), or else the stereotype wouldn't exist.



Example: (again from South Park) The Sleepy Mexican on the Job. Truth to it? Sure there is. Why? Because Mexicans are lazy? Of course not. Many people are going to be sleepy if they worked two to three jobs, so the stereotype exists in the US because many Mexicans work long hours at multiple jobs to get their families a foothold in a more stable country.


That South Park episode certainly didn't help it, and my favorite part of it was when they said, "How do you kill he who has no life?"

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Gamers, especially hardcore gamers still have somewhat of a negative stereotype. MMOs are worse than traditional games because they (generally) have more depth, and are more time-consuming.


Do all Brits drink tea at 5pm?

Are all Yanks obese?


A stereotype is just what it is, a prejudicial assumption.

Both of these assumptions are backed up by statistics. England consumes the most tea per capita than any other nation. America has the highest rate of obesity, and are notorious for poor food quality.


I think of an MMO I think of a large, overweight man eating Cheeto's off of his chest

Actually, many professional gamers are actually in very good physical shape, because they need to be in order to have the lightning fast reactions required for competitive gaming.


I too was/am hyped and bumbed by KOTOR 3 being what it will be.

I personally do not like MMOs, as they are slow paced and repetitive. I oftentimes am disappointed when my favorite franchise becomes an MMO. Still, I understand why MMOs are popular from the developer's side. They are less prone to piracy, and provide a more stable business model since they can charge a monthly subscription fee.

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I think of a lot of good players being outnumbered 10:1 by jerks.

I think of n00bs following you around asking for help that could be answered by an FAQ.

I see a monthly fee for something I wouldn't use

I see something that really doesn't intrest me.


But that's me

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I think of that age old joke Many Men Online Role Playing Girls.


Frankly it sounds like you've gotten the bad end of the MMO community.


I enjoy them-I found my niche, EVE online, and Im happy here.


EVE's specificaly designed to keep the jerks and idiots at bay. It does this by requiring about 5 hours of real-world research before playing, that you read a total of 11 hours of tutorial, and are willing to log in daily.


Instead of a simplistic level up/class system that can keep even players with the worst self inflicted ADD on course to success, EVE lacks levels altogether and instead uses skillsbooks, that are purchased, "injected" and then automaticaly apply a level of that skill after a preset "train time" has elapsed, getting longer for each subsequent level.


Skill books come in tow varieties, profficiencies and buffs, buffs improve a skill, for example Rapid Firing isnt a prerequisite for anything, however it adds a 2% improvement to firing rate of all gun type weapons. And proficiencies, which go0 towards flying starships, using weapons, and further modifiying your vessel.


Because everything is player crafted idiots simply cant succeed. Success can be very easy to get in EVE, you can be making big bucks within a week, with money being the thing that everything revolves around. However if you cant sit still, listen to advice, do your own research, or go five minutes without saying the F word, you probably wont last long since it takes patience and a degree of common sense to play.


It doesnt have trollers, because the universe is billions of AU across and contains thousands of stars. It doesnt have noobs because if you didnt actualy read the tutorial you wont last five minutes. it doesnt have jerks because in some situations you can only survive, let alone flourish, without friends to watch your back.


It can be rough sometimes-PVP exists everywhere though in most systems shooting another player costs you your vessel and counts towards a ban from all "safe" zones. For this reason players typicaly are wary, but I've always been treated with respect, and my corporation(guild) is the friendliest I've been in for years, despite three of them being hardened space pirates. We help eachother out-newbies get help and knowledge for fitting their vessels, hardcores get put to work using their hard earned ships mining, crafting, bossing and fighting, and the youngblood rookies get a chance to sate their thirst for PVP blood under the guiding expertise of hardcore experts who've seen it all before. i've never seen an EVE corp that wasnt like this, if you want a game that respects the players, this is it. As is COH.


An MMO is only as good as it's players, City Of Heroes/Villains, EVE, and WoW for me are resoundingly positive memories-I still play them now-because they have good communities of respectful players, and in some more than others, dont play themsevles.


TL;DR jerks are everywhere but they are the minority not the majority. Most minorities scream louder than the majority, and are typicaly hard to ignore, but even in the worst MMO communities there are good souls and good people who are there, just below ther surface. Just because everyone you here says "your mom" whenever you ask for help, doesnt mean that there isnt someone else who hears you ask and comes immediately.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I can see where you come from Vindekarr. Honestly, I think some of the early MMOs I played ruined things for me. The thing is, most of the people I encountered when I used to play those games were jerks. I figured things out on my own eventually, but it was still annoying. Its the same reason I get bored of Call of Duty, they just got stale after awhile. I never tried EVE Online however.


Also, its funny how the bad end of the community gets the most attention. And I play the Xbox 360 a lot, which would also leave a negative image in some people's mind. I don't know, its just something about the PC MMO that frightens me.

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I think of repetitive "fetch me ten pieces of item X" quests.

I think of people who speak mainly in abbreviations.


Not that there's necessarily something wrong with such things, I just don't enjoy them in my games.

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yes, no, depends. sometimes i think we could spend our time with something more productive then playing to much computer games and mmo is usually a game you play to much. for a lot of poeple it tends to be this way, so yeah.

so it always depends and in the end i do not know,

but grinding for example, it is like alcohol and

i wont do it again ever in my life. ^^


it can be there is a fine line between fun and where it becomes to much sort of just screwing around, which is fine, but if it becomes to much screwing of that type of screwing around, then it is not and the

company of the games of course do not really care. they are just blablabla, but the game mechanic itself does not reflect it or lets just say the, some ppl dont notice. kinda a two edged sword, but i dont wanna write a book about it now.


i hope mmo or virtual worlds in general dont become a sort of condition in the future, as there seems to be the potential in it,

as technologie advances. the question is does also our mind and the level of responsiblity,

before it potentially could run some of us down?


patrick stewart was once like, no, because otherwise i know, im gonna be fininished.

that man is smart.


Edited by Nadimos
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