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Would like a mod that delays the DLC just for new vegas


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there is one but it requires you have Fallout 3 all the DLC and a mod called TTW




but I can't afford Fallout 3 GOTY



I've tried this Mod http://i.imgur.com/Eyy22aL.png but it just flat out doesn't work upon making a new character I still get all the notices and crap dumped into my inventory making new games easier ... and over encumbering me in DUST


or very least instead of adding this junk to my inventory stash it in one of the mail box things that exist

Edited by Splatulated
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Why do you not just disable the DLC's when you start the game and re-enable them one-by-one when you're ready? It wont hurt to enable them mid game as that's the way they were designed to work.




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As I've explicitly told you, no, it doesn't. :no:


tried it


still get all the items dumped into my character upon creation


is it because im useing a new start mod because doc mitchel takes way too fricken long to let me do stuff ? it like half hour of listening to him talk

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