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Face Exchange Reset My Face & Attributes!!!!!


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Nothing too serious here, just annoying really. But I recently experimented with changing my face to death-knowz excellent High Imperial face. It took forever to figure out how to achieve this with Face Exchanger Lite (lack of instructions for noobs), however I got it to work (on Win 7, 64-bit). However, I noticed that my skill sets had all either increased or decreased. I was hoping there was a way I could change them back in-game, either myself or with a mod or something. I did find cheat codes that increase attribute levels, and there is a code to change these again either up or down (player.setAV <Ability/attribute> <#>). It's this latter code I can't understand how to use and it's the only one that will decrease #s. I wonder if anyone can offer assistance please, if indeed this is what I need. I've learned a lot in the past couple of months, but I'm still a noob in these areas. Thanks in advance to anyone with a solution to my problem.
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You cannot permanently change all of your attributes with setav -- your skills will return to level based the next time you level up -- and if you have changed race, you have messed up all of the internals that go with your original character and his/her attributes. When you edit your character in that way, it should always be done at the very start of the game, even before the Emperor appears.
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Hey Hickory, thanks for the quick reply. Yeh, I was hopeful and it worked for the experiment it was. Now I'm a little wiser about this practice and will return to my old faithful, not so ugly now, female character. Thanks again.
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Hey Hickory, thanks for the quick reply. Yeh, I was hopeful and it worked for the experiment it was. Now I'm a little wiser about this practice and will return to my old faithful, not so ugly now, female character. Thanks again.


I haven't used face exchanger, and not sure this is your aim, but there a number of ways succesfully to edit you character's face during a game.


There is a console command, showracemenu, which you can use and save your new face without resetting you stats. For more information, read up on console commands on the Oblivion - UESPWiki...here. Be sure to heed the comments about saving your new face, "WARNING: Using this menu will reset all of your skills to their default initial settings. (If you edit your race, instead of clicking "done" when you are done, leave the race menu open with the console up and save your game. When you reload it your race/looks will be changed like you wanted them to be and your skills will not be reset.) Using this command while wearing bound items may crash the game."


You can also use the import face feature of Wrye Bash, to import a new face for your character from another save game or your favorite mod -- if you are a Wrye Bash user.





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There is a console command, showracemenu, which you can use and save your new face without resetting you stats.


With no disrespect to Hemingwey, be very very leery about using this method. It is not well documented, and in all my experience of using this procedure, I have yet to successfuly implement it without unforseen consequences appearing further into the game. You have been warned.

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