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add a feature so we can track the comments WE made on nexus?


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I get a lot of bugs and CTD's because I am a mod prostitute lol.... but usually they are resolved by the mod makers once I finally scroll through the pages a couple of days later and there are now tons of posts on top of mine. This is inevitible, but is there or could they create a feature to click on where we can locate all the comments we made on nexus? Juuuuuuust curious thanks !
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On the top bar where it says your Username on the forum. Click it and go to My Content.



Well thats still not the convenience i meant, I dont come on these forums much... i know its tied to nexus pretty much but i tend to just stay on New Vegas nexus ALL the time lol.. What your saying is basically like what ive been doing which is "tracking" the file and then going to that particular mods page and then scrolling through dozens of pages... im asking for a feature where we can click on "view my comments" or something and then we would only have to scroll maybe a couple of pages up to see the authors reply :) !!!!


Anyways idk its whateva love FALLOUT!

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EDIT: That's what I get for not reading properly, didn't see the bit where you mentioned this. This is about as good as you're going to get, its not worth the effort to have anything more specific implemented.


As far as I understand it the best way is to click the "Track File" option in the "Options" menu, below "Endorsements" (when looking at the page for the mod of interest). Then just to the right of that is the selection for "Tracking centre" which will let you view all files you've tracked.


That method keeps track of mod pages, not the comments themselves, so you would still have to move to the comments page and look through them. The "Tracking centre" can also be found in the drop down list ub3rman pointed you to.




The other way if you use the forums regularly (not a bad habit, there may be fixes/suggestions for some mods in the other threads before they make it to the comments page), is the "Watch Topic" button. From the comments on the nexus page click "Go to forum thread" then "Watch Topic" and that will then make sure you get a notification (on the forum) whenever there is a new comment made.


That's the only two I know of, I find watching a topic to be the most useful, but if you just stick to the nexus pages then #1 will probably be the most practical.

Edited by Skevitj
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