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WIP Castle Faolan


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http://i.imgur.com/j9UJDfz.pngTo this

http://i.imgur.com/cWL1ngm.jpg(I have the rest of the trims for this made just encountering exporting issues at the moment)

http://i.imgur.com/MUihrRf.jpgI must say I think i'm starting to like this castle.


Ps. incase anyone is wondering i'm planning to make a new model for that building to the right of the gatehouse which will serve as the castle armoury and be accessible through a steep staircase.

Edited by Tlaffoon
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Finished making the trim, stairs, and platforms for the new gatehouse..here is the view of it from inside the castle.



As well here is the gatehouse for the other side of the castle. However I think im going to replace it with a round tower version rather than square. I already have a design in mind.


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I think I'm going to add another small ward to the castle, which will allow for an extension to the castle keep so the children can have larger rooms. Suppose I could just make everyone sleep in the greathall like they historically did..but alas I don't want people sleeping on my tables.


Kind of mixing castle Cahir, Doune, and Caerphilly's architecture.


Also since the nav mesh is always biting me in the ass I will have to rework the interior spiral staircases. As for some reason npcs can only make half a rotation up them.

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Nice to see that progress is being made :) Like I said before, I can't wait for this to be done. Have you begun to think of what type of armor will be used. If not, it would be cool if you could tie it in with the civil war. That way their outfits change in relation to who wins. This might be a different direction then you wanted to go, if so, no worries. Just a thought. Keep up the good work :)

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Actually the guards will use a new armor independent of the civil war(this is due to the quest version involving the conquering of the reach and making it a sovereign nation). However they will use different types depending on rank and function. For instance archers will use a heavy leather cuirass over wool padding. The footmen will wear a heavy leather cuirass over chain with wool padding. And the house blades will wear a heavy metal breastplate with pauls over leather chain and wool. And the guards with rank will have insignias on there armor or something..I was think of putting a gilded silver wolf head on the commander of the guards armor. But any suggestions are always welcome.
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There modified versions of the game of thrones armors on the nexus. Though the players armor will most likely be completely custom. I've never made an armor set before so it could be an interesting challenge. Unless someone with more experience volunteers of corse. I'm also thinking of some yew bows and new crossbows ;)
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Looks grand ^^ Pretty big, in fact.


In no way I want to challenge your expertise of course ... but imho, bigger isn't always better :) My problem with castle mods of the past has always been their size. They were always so extensive that it became exhausting wandering their halls to use ALL their features. And this looks similar, frankly.

So while this proportion certainly might be realistic, it's not practical in game. That is, ofc, a matter of opinion.


I'll love this either way, but you miiight consider overthinking its massive dimensions :) Maybe woe don't *really* need that extra building



Butt I'm so HYPED for this! Your effort is really appreciated

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