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My character looks at npcs then look foward then to npc...


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Hello recently I´m having this problem where my character looks at an npc, like imagin if a npc is near him normaly the charact turns his head to look at the npc or a creature well my character looks at the npc or creature then looks foward as if no one was there and then looks back to the npc and then foward and allways in this order, it´s not a major problem but it annoys me and ruins the immersion of the game.I disabled th recent mods I´ve installed and nothing worked.I even start a new game.Can anyone please tell me what are the INI settings regarding the player looking at nearby npc´s or creatures?Thanks for you´r time
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The only ini setting affecting head tracking is:



If you set this to 1 your character will not look at other NPCs.

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I think what you are describing is normal Oblivion behaviour. Unless you are prepared to disable head tracking, I don't know what else to tell you.
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It´s not normal, I play oblivion for 4 years and never happened XD I replaced the ini file for a clean one as some days ago I was trying to fix something I accidently did to the grass and probably messed up something.I still have to test it.Thanks for the replies though :)
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