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Skyrim: May The Force Be With You


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I was thinking of a great mod and as I thought about it more it grew. I use two Jedi/Sith mods from the Nexus.


Plasma Sabers:



The Way of The Force a la Star Wars:



I also use Apotheus Armor from Immersive Armors for my Sith Character.


I found a mod called Jedi Enclave: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30611/? which gave me this idea.


I was thinking about having a mod that has the Jedi Enclave and Sith Academy and Having a quest line that u can follow to join either. Having both would mean having a civil war between them a kind of secret war between them. Have them do patrols like in Immersive Patrols and have them attack each other. as well as a quest line for either to destroy the other, and maybe even have a third faction between the two a hidden faction that strives to attain a balance between light and dark.


Originally i only had an idea for the two homes of Jedi and sith ... or should i say Je'Daii and Siit as The Way of The Force calls them.


anyway pm me if u want additional info. thanks.

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