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Skin tones not matching?


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Okay, first of all hello! I'm new to the forums (:! AND if there is already a thread covering this issue, I'm sorry! I didn't really feel like sifting through all the threads to find it.

But anyway, that isn't why I'm here, obviously... I wanted to see if anybody could help me out here!

I can't remember exactly when this started but I am lead to believe a mod started this. When my character's wear armor or clothing that shows their backs, one side is lighter, and one side is darker! D: Their skin tones are not matching. It's right down the seam of their backs. This also happens on their inner thighs and on their left shoulders. where it doesn't look right. It's really annoying! I was wondering if anybody has encountered this issue and if there's anything to fix it with?

I am running quite a few mods, but I don't think over 100 if that helps any. Most of these mods are for houses, clothes, etc, things like that. I am running Illumination within, Let the people drink, Natural habitat, Natural vegetation, Phinix waterfix, and I believe thats it for graphics changing mods. Also...Keep in mind I'm no expert with modding :/ So detailed explanations may be needed if I need to do something special to fix it. If needed I can try and take a picture to show you whats up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's not a mod problem or anything like that.

One side of the texture is just a different color.

The simplest fix would probably be to mirror the texture directly down the middle.


How exactly would I do that? I have never done that type of thing.


Mirroring the texture won't work. I've tried it. This is a know problem. I'm not sure if it occurs in vannilla Oblivion. But it can if you use any mods that affect the appearance of NPCs. It has to do with the way the game engine colors the mesh when the sliders are adjusted. You will find that some characters are jacked up and others look fine. There are some seamless body mods available that you can try. They may also require Roberts Male body and HGEC. Just search for seams or seamless and something should come up. I started having the issue you mention when I switched the Roberts Male and HGEC. I am using the seam reducers for both, but it was a pain in the butt to get them to work properly. I had to go into the CS and map the new textures to the bodies for whichever race to get it to work, although the readme did not say to do that. Maybe I did something wrong, but I finally got it to work. Its a 85% improvement.

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Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Replacer solved that problem for me. From the mod description:



What it does:


This mod eliminates (Or at least drastically reduces) the visible seams on the Ec/HGEC body.


These seams are what cause the half & half coloring on the back & along the arms & inside of the legs and even around the neck.


Designed to work with the HGEC female body, but should provide improvement with virtually any body mod.

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