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Strange water problem


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I recently installed Oblivion onto my laptop, and with that of course, I got mods. When I first installed it though, I decided to go check the game out to see if it would work well with my laptop. It did, and everything was perfect. I missed one thing, though: The water.


I'm not sure if this is a glitch, but since I haven't played Oblivion in such a long time, I wanted to make sure. You see, the water is dark, darker than I remember. And no, I'm not talking about the me being under water dark, it's about pitch black on the surface during the night, and about dark blueish during the day time. Could someone please comfort me and say it's not a bug or glitch or something? I'm scared of glitches of any kind, and just want to make sure there isn't anything wrong with my Oblivion.


Sorry, no pictures D:

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This info is from Koroush Ghazi's tweaking guide for Oblivion (http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html), something heartily recommend.


Water Detail: If set to High, this option allows the water's surface to appear slightly more realistic. The difference is very difficult to see in screenshots - at Normal the reflections are slightly less detailed and more blocky than High due to the lower surface resolution of the water. The performance impact is not significant by itself, however neither is the visual impact, so if you're struggling for FPS in outdoor areas with water, set this to Normal. Note that the blockiness of distant reflections on water can't be resolved with this setting - see the uGridsToLoad variable in the Advanced Tweaking section.


The pictures shown below that quote in his guide show what you're describing exactly.

Edited by Striker879
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