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Favourite Gulid Quest


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Thieve's guild definetly is my favorite questline. Its final quest is definetly the most epic in terms of scope, and it has a satisfying ending that I feel could be the ending to a real serious story. I also like how the last few quests lead up to the last one, not many other questlines do that the same way. Thieve's guild really introduces interesting characters like no other one does. Certain minor characters from earlier missions come back, and the the Grey Fox is a neat guy to talk to. Its not like what the Dark Brotherhood does to all the characters you have come to know. :(
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Getting rid of Dreth is satisfying if you get lucky like I once did with Deadly Reflex. My quest to finish him was the first time I witnessed the "hand chop". I thought I was decapitating him and saw the blood spatter, but alas, he was still standing, then I saw the missing hands. To top things off, I did a stationary jab, which resulted in the sweet little maneuver where he doubled over and I chopped off his head. Granted, this will only work if you have the difficulty slider turned up like I did (I wanted to force my thief to avoid fighting by making enemies more difficult to kill).


I liked Whodunit the first few times, but the last time, it was almost kind of boring...everyone wandered off to places alone and it hardly took any effort on my part to seperate them.


I actually kind of enjoy the finale to the Fighter's Guild quest. My ire really builds toward the Blackwood Company during the course of it, and

it's incredibly satisfying to storm into their headquarters and kill them all off, especially that ungrateful douchebag Maglir.

The overall questline isn't terribly spectacular, for best overall quest storyline, I'd have to give it to the Thieve's Guild. They definitely have the most likeable characters, being the noble underdogs and such.

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Too hard to pick one so I will have to say my favorite 3 would have to be obviously "Whodunnit?" because of that espionage assassin feel it has. I always find my self wearing upper class citizen clothes and using a concealable weapon such as a dagger to blend in even though the AI is so stupid you could wear Daedric Armor and carry a blood soaked warhammer and when people start dieing they don't suspect you. Another favorite would have to be "The Ultimate Heist" for the Thieves Guild. I love length of that quest and the fact that it feels like those movies you watch with the catburglers executing this crazy elaborate plan to steal some priceless artifact that is under heavy guard. Final favorite quest would have to be that one in the Shivering Isles to reactivate Xenofen or whatever that place is called with all of the traps you use on the adventurers. The key room made me laugh till my side hurt. Edited by NAPALM13092
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