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"Zeros" in Oblivion


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Today I reinstalled my Oblivion for the 5th or 6th time and tried out some new mods, such as HGEC, Ren´s beauty pack and lots of others i already used before.

But now there are certain words or whole phrases replaced with some "0". e.g. when creating the class, the description of the main skills was a zero, when waiting or sleepin there is a zero instead of the word "hours", and several more....


anyone ever had that prob? suggestions for a solution are welcome ^^


thanks in advance

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i got a menu overhaul and alternate loading screens.

i made a backup of the data folder before installing.

can i just solve the prob by getting the missing files out there...


going to try out... seems to be the menu overhaul.


(btw i´m using the german version of the game, don´t know whether this is relevant or not)


thanks again

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I had a look into my _default.ini and found that:









In the backup folder i made there is no font folder but i made it before installing any mod...

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The Oblivion_Default.ini that's in your Oblivion folder isn't the one the game uses normally. Oblivion will use the Oblivion.ini file found in your My Games\Oblivion folder (same folder you'll find your savegames). You can use your Oblivion_Default.ini to restore settings in your Oblivion.ini using a text editor like Notepad or Wordpad ... just make sure to save as plain text. Compare the [Fonts] section between the two files and you'll see if changes were made by a mod. Make a backup of Oblivion.ini (call it OriginalOblivion.ini or something similar) before your make your changes so you can get back to the original broken state easily. One other caveat, the offending mod may not work after you fix things. Edited by Striker879
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