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Jittery performance.


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Ok, so I installed the RealVision ENB and I thought that I did everything right, I even see the ENB text in the upper left corner of the screen when I start the game, but when I try to continue my game, it crashes to the desktop. Any idea of what the hell is going on?
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The vsync options in enblocal.ini can be turned off if you can get your video card software to handle vsync instead. If you are looking at an in game menu trying to find it then it would be confusing since there are a lot of in game menus for enb I think. Best to read that ini file outside the game and adjust it manually.

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I have tried messing with vsync, I have tried running in windowed mode, I have tried the 64hz fix mod, I have tried turning shadows to low, I have tried adding iFPSClamp=60 to the skyrim.ini. I have tried a bunch of stuff people have suggested here and elsewhere and nothing works.

Edited by DontBanMeBro1
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Skyrim is a directx 9 game. My old GTX 680 that was optimized for 9 gave me a smoother ride than the 970 I replaced it with. To get things running smooth again I tried using ENB & it worked. At the beginning of this year I bought a 4k monitor & started playing at 4k without ENB. Skyrim looks nice at 4k but the rough ride was back again. I now run Skyrim with a 980 at 1440 with ENB & the game runs smooth again.

I only assume that it is a directx 9 issue because that is the only test that my GTX 680 outperforms the 970 & 980.


I will be running tests using dragonslayer2k12 advise to try to get my game to run even smoother. You should do the same.



Only problem with that theory is the 680 is not a DX9 video card it is DX11. If you really want to try a DX9 video card the newest one I know of is the GeForce 7950 GX2 and that was a POS even when new.

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I remember reading about something called nvidia inspector or something like that. Also for nvidia control panel you can set game and application profiles so vsync can be on for one game and off for another.


I tried running in windowed mode but I couldn't get ANYTHING to force vsync correctly while in windowed mode. Even radeonpro would only do 30fps in windowed mode which looked horrible. Once I disabled vsync in enb boost and ran full screen using radeonpro for vsync it worked perfectly! So you have to find the nvidia equivalent of radeonpro which is supposed to be nvidia control panel, msi afterburner or rivatuner but from what I have read nvidia control panel is best and it comes with your card drivers anyway.


Don't use iFPSClamp=60 it is just bad bad don't use it lol. I have my shadows at 8192 with 4096 for primary and secondary. If my crappy hd7950 can run that and work good with radeonpro then I think your nvidia card can do a lot better so don't worry about lowering shadows and stuff. You can find that STEP guide out there for setting up nvidia and amd cards... here it is! some really good stuff there. Looks like nvidia inspector is a 3rd party program I was thinking it was made by nvidia but nope. Well it works anyway and they have similar options to radeonpro for que depth meaning frames rendered ahead and vsync. Yeah I know that link looks like a ton of stuff to do but if you follow their ini file setup it is pretty good as a base line setup to figure out what you want to do next.


I am still trying to decide which is a better card to run skyrim with but after this whole fake 4gb video ram thing with nvidia I just don't want to buy another card right now. Maybe give them another year or two to sort it out. No way I'm gonna pay over $350 for a video card ever even that much is really high. What we as consumers discovered was that once you get to 4gb ram on a video card, there has to be separate pool for any additional ram so just adding more ram doesn't increase performance it just gets more complicated. Some relief from that whole thing will come when they both amd and nvidia figure out how to have gobs and gobs of ram on a video card and not be slowed down by it in any way.



I am still interested in skyrim even with all the technical hurdles involved just to get it to work because after watching that E3 presentation for fallout4 I can already see where we are going in the franchise which is straight to the bottom! We most likely won't get another game like skyrim ever again. They will keep adding to that ESO crap and now a hearthstone ripoff card game so skyrim is it we don't have anything else to play for a long long time:-( New games coming out are crap and more of the same old thing. Time to find some old but good games like skyrim and a few others and just stick to those for the next three or four years.

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