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Wierd problem on start up


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I launch the game, either by double clicking the desktop short cut or using steam and the start up menu pops up. The menu with Play, Technical support.blah blah. When I hit play, it asks me for permission to make changed to the computer. Then it just brings up the start up menu. This JUST started happening, no mods have been installed the past week and the game has worked fine since the last mod installation.(In a dozen fallout crashes a day sort of way)

PLEASE say someone has a fix, this game is f**king terrible with the amount of problems. I'm on my second mouse after breaking the first. So it's safe to say I'm losing my mind.

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When I hit play, it asks me for permission to make changed to the computer.

PLEASE say someone has a fix, this game is f**king terrible with the amount of problems . . . So it's safe to say I'm losing my mind.

you have told us that you made the classic mistake of installing steam to the default location


and UAC is now tapdancing on your cake


while wearing army boots




Ask bben46 http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/user/319600-bben46/ for his link to the steam forums


where they tell you how to move steam


without having to go through the extreme hassle of a major uninstall/reinstall


Yes - moving steam outside of programs/programs(86) will solve your problem


move it ANYWHERE outside of these directories



and about your lost mind


Thank Microsoft and Steam


Both know better and are the cause of this problem

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Well, he had no idea what forum topic you were talking about, and he said he searched for it and nothign came up.


Kindof nervous to attempt to move steam, I'm quite sure I'll screw it up with out some kind of instruction-_-

Just move the entire steam folder ANYWHERE outside of programs?

Nothing else or..?

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