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Companions refusing to wait AND teleporting to me.


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While exploring Vault 34, I left my companions outside, in wait mode. But they keep showing up inside the Vault, with follow mode engaged. I even used the console to lock one of the doors leading into the Vault to try to stop them, but they just teleport past the locked door. Does anyone know a way to keep them from following, or to stop them from teleporting?
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they are just broken, plain and simple, the only thing i found to work was only use ED-E, Veronica, or Cass stock companions, or the Eve companion mod, the rest are just hard headed like that lol.


if yours wont listen then the only way to explore something by your self is to fire them, then when your done go to lucky 38 and pick them back up

Edited by webster63
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they are just broken, plain and simple, the only thing i found to work was only use ED-E, Veronica, or Cass stock companions, or the Eve companion mod, the rest are just hard headed like that lol.


if yours wont listen then the only way to explore something by your self is to fire them, then when your done go to lucky 38 and pick them back up


Well, that's a problem. My two companions ARE ED-E and Veronica, and I haven't been to the Lucky 38 yet.

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I have had the same problem with vanilla and mod companions.. you tell them to wait outside or anywhere while you head in to scav or what ever and while your in some place "POOF" there they are right there......i figured it had something to do with the almost 200 mods im running, (gotta clean that mess up) :rolleyes:
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No, I think it's something that's in the original game. The Elevator in Vault 22 will cause any currently hired companions to appear outside the destination floor door with you, regardless of wait status. Also, if an NPC can't get somewhere, they will teleport. Just go find an npc to fight, then find somewhere where they can't follow. After a few seconds of running against whatever is blocking them, they will teleport.


I imagine this behavior is intented to stop npcs from getting stuck.

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No, I think it's something that's in the original game. The Elevator in Vault 22 will cause any currently hired companions to appear outside the destination floor door with you, regardless of wait status. Also, if an NPC can't get somewhere, they will teleport. Just go find an npc to fight, then find somewhere where they can't follow. After a few seconds of running against whatever is blocking them, they will teleport.


I imagine this behavior is intented to stop npcs from getting stuck.


Yea it's definitely a problem even with Vanilla companions under certain circumstances. But it's even worse with modded companions. Not sure what the issue is but the only way to be 100% sure they won't go with you somewhere is to fire them.

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I have this behaviour too. Boone is okay if i tell him to wait. The thing i figured out is you have to tell them to wait via dialog (talk to) and not using the wheel, Same for Eve, Jade and Jessi. If the modded companions have a guard option take this (or chillout). They need to have a "action" set they have to do when you want to have them wait.

Ede is following me out of the Lucky 38, but he will wait in the Lucky 38 Casino if you set him in wait status there.


Btw, i had another strange clitch too. You will always find your companions, and if you loose them because of the waiting bug you need to have a look on the map. In my case i found them waiting in Neils Shack...

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