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Lag problems


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EDIT: I just reinstalled my sound driver and found it didn't help, and yet I'm sure this problem did not used to exist for me. Oblivion can't cause actual hardware damage can it?


I've been on an oblivion kick the past few days, so I can safely say that prior to a crash earlier today, everything was working smoothly.


I use Oblivion, all the DLCs, Cobl, Quiet Footsteps, AV Uncapper, and manage them with OBMM. Prior to the crash I ran everything smoothly, bearable fps, game worked fine. Can't run it with grass on but eh, I don't miss it.


After the crash I didn't notice anything wrong immediately. I reloaded it up, finished the Kvatch quests, and went on home to Frostcrag to stow my latest haul of alchemy ingredients. Lo and behold, the second I entered the vault, I was murdered by the lag monster. After a little experimenting (using killall and resurrect) I discerned it was the vault guardians. Specifically the lag went away when they were dead.


I determined through further testing that it was, in fact, the wing-beats causing the major lag. I came to this conclusion by (in the ini):


*Disabling music - No Change

* Disabling sound - Lag gone

*Enabling sound, max footstep dist to 0 - Lag remained gone

* Enable sound, returned footsteps to normal - Lag returned.


Now the obvious solution to this is just to re-disable footsteps, since the game is no less playable with out it, but this is unappealing for several reasons.


1) I use chameleon a lot, and with footsteps disabled I can't hear when I sheath or unsheath my weapon, for whatever reason.

2) I do enjoy using the sounds things make, especially if I disable music, put on headphones, and go dungeon diving.

3) This is a problem which did not exist 24, or even 12 hours ago.


So I want to know how to fix it, and why the bleeding blueberries oblivion crashing would cause such an obscure problem.


Come to think of it, a year ago when I used to play it crashed, and after that quadrapedal critters started giving major lag in the same manner.


A bit of relevant info: I do use onboard sound card, sigmatel crap, etc. The drivers are out of date because dell tells me I should download an OLDER set (made in 2005 vs mine in 2006), but I don't have problems with any other game. The fact that this game crashing would cause issues with my sound card kind of worries me, especially since some people are less lucky and had their drivers completely corrupted thanks to this game...


I want to know if it's corrupted drivers and I need to hunt up a way to fix that, or if oblivion just comes standard with computer gremlins that don't go away after a clean reinstall of oblivion, and several system restarts.

Edited by riloki
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Poor sound hardware WILL have a detrimental effect and can even cause CTDs, especially in heavily modded games like Oblivion. If you can rule your sound card out, and you have been playing the same game for quite a while, you should check that the lag is not caused by the animation A-Bomb. This can be done in Wrye Bash.
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I'm not really sure what the animation a-bomb is so I can't count that out. However, I HAVE been playing this game awhile, and when I first got it, everythign worked fine unmodded. Didn't need quiet footsteps at all. A few crashes later, rats started lagging. Now suddenly imps are lagging? That makes me worry that it's actually damaging something, since I did a clean install of oblivion in between the two problems with no benefit. Either that or there's some file buried somewhere that got thrown through a loop by oblivion crashing at just the wrong moment.


Thanks for the link,it did fix the lag as far as I can tell, though it still feels like I'm addressing the effects rather than the cause. Most of all I'm bothered that I wasn't having any problems, then bam, problem that won't go away after reinstalling.

Edited by riloki
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The more you describe, the more it sounds like the A-Bomb bug. In Wrye Bash right click on your save game and choose 'Repair A-Bomb'.
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Wait, is this 'Animation A-Bomb' save game specific? Because I deleted all my saves when I reinstalled oblivion and the problem persisted...


I asked if you had been playing the same game for a while, and you replied:

"I HAVE been playing this game awhile"


The A-Bomb happens when a byte of the magic counter reaches (xx -- don't remember the exact number), and this is increasing all the while you are playing. That is why I asked that question. Yes, it is a problem that gets stored in your save game, so it's with you all the while you play.

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What I meant was, I've had this game awhile, but after it first got stubborn with the rats, I uninstalled it and everything to do with it and left it alone for a year or so. So when I started it up again (on thursday) I had to start from scratch. The rat problem was still there, and most recently (due to the crash) imps have become a problem. Like I said though, the quiet footsteps MAX fixed (most of) the lag, so it seems I was right about it being the sound, though I still get occasional minor lagspikes whenever an imp's wings are on the downstroke. I don't know if there are any other implications yet, this is just what I found thus far.


That still leaves the problem of why it persists between installs. Heck I even uninstalled, then reinstalled, my sound drivers and it didn't fix it... Now if this isn't indicative of mayhem with my computer itself, I'll be fine... Well, until the next time it crashes and causes more problems.

Edited by riloki
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