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'Freakiest' creature in Oblivion?


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Freakiest 'creature' would be an NPC: Cheydinhal fighter's guild porter. This guy is male, so am I and he stalks me EVERYWHERE. Now I ain't opposed to different sexual preferences but this guy is standing too close for comfort if you know what I mean...


Otherwise I'd say the creepiest creature is one of those zombies with their ripped and green skin. (the ones WITH a head, just look in their face with a torch sometime). They're one of the few things that really scare me about oblivion.



Haha.. actually, the quote was "We call them Billies. Don't know why, we just do." or something similar.


Hah.. you think those zombies are freaky? Wait until you see the final phase of a popular dark brotherhood member.. that's pretty friggin freakyl.

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---Warning! Possible Spoiler!---


Oh, please, the horror! Don't remind me! :( It made me almost cry!


But I actually kind of like his responce when you ask about rumors:


"My friend, I do not spread rumors, I create them!" :ph34r:


---End of Possible Spoiler!---


But if you ask for the freakiest creature, then it would be the Deer. Those buggers can outrun a Ferrari!

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This isn't the spoilers section, so we can't really tell you here. But if you want to know (I wouldn't, since the quests are much more fun when you don't know it) you can send me a PM.
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actually, the quote was "We call them Billies. Don't know why, we just do." or something similar.


Thanks for finding that, I think I may have deleted (accidentally [slaps forehead]) the save of the char. which is at the level in which they appear. I know I have a back up of it...somewhere...pretty much right were I was with it, so no need for pity or a "haw haw."

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I guess this is sorta a creature... Or at least it acts like one:


Every once in a while, a sword that drops off something won't fall to the ground like normal. Instead, the tip of the blade will hit the ground and the sword will start spinning like a top while the hilt is leaning towards the center of the circle it is inscribing upon the floor. Don't stick your finger in there...

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