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Everything posted by Dullahan

  1. Got it! I believe that the body texture is Chris25's, with Sundracon's mesh!
  2. Agreed! It looks like the base is Chris's, but I can't tell what the textures are from.
  3. On a completely unrelated website, I've found some pretty cool pictures. This one really stood out, however: http://lvlt.thesims3.com/sims3_asset/sims3_asset/thumb/shard000/000/072/685/30/headshot_original.jpg The thing that stands out the most, I think, is the hood that ACTUALLY covers the eyes, leaving the lower face only visible. Mages Equipment, an Oblivion mod, did a similar thing, but instead of covering the eyes, it only cast a shadow over the upper face, which I thought was very cool, so I downloaded the mod just for that tiny thing. Although it only worked with dark hoods. But this one looks more my style. It reminds me of some other games, such as Game of Thrones, if any of you have actually played this PC game. And I want to say kinda like Assassin's Creed? So my question: Would someone please be so kind as to inform me as to what this armor might be? Also, what are the body textures that are used in this? It looks like Chris's mod, but it seems to have slight variations. Edit: Could the Hood be from the Fur Hood HD mod?
  4. Haha. Excellent to hear, excellent indeed: "09 October 2010 - 8:06am May I add you as a friend? Thank you in advance. Blessed Be. Lisa" xDD Haha. And of course, you're very forgiven. And thanks for the assistance, lol! But I think I may have found the culprit (At least regarding crashes in the Nibenay Basin). T.I.E. requires Shivering Isles to work. I do not have Shivering Isles installed. I could have sworn there was a version that *didn't* require it though? Lol. But thank you so very much for your assistance.. as always!
  5. YOU!!!!!! HAHAH!!! How da eff are you???? (Great to see that you're a moderator now! ^^) I'm not entirely sure that the Hero Store was the issue. I think it was a mixture of that, with some of the other mods I've listed. And no, I got T.I.E. from Loverslab, I believe? And I agree, BOSS is absolutely epic. But if memory serves me correctly, I've always had problems with T.I.E. I've had it ever since they implemented those hideous facial features, lol. Those were some *ghastly* NPC's. Gimme a date with a zombie anyday! Hah. But I also think I've always had a problem with the Nibenay Basin with this mod, because I distinctively remember crashing around a certain fortress. I thought it was because I had OOO running also which was still in it's early stage at the time, but now, I don't think that's an issue. But hey, no problem! Your answers were pretty informative, so thanks! :D Do you remember me, by the way?
  6. Good evening, I'm having a major problem with the three tagged mods. Whilst running BOSS earlier, these mods were clean. (T.I.E. still is.) But after I passed through the Prison Sewers after character creation, the game crashed. Checking BOSS, it seems that Apachii Heroes' Store contained dirty edits. This was clean before. After attempting to clean it with TESedit, Malevolent.esp and GTAesgaard_2.esp BOTH became dirty. Just that quickly. So after deleting the Heroe's Store, I was able to fast travel without crashing. Or so I thought. I've been trying to Fast Travel to places in the Nibenay Basin, but that area seems to crash my game. If I approach it by land, crash. If I approach it by water, crash. Also, T.I.E. has been acting ridiculous. I believe this is a major cause of my crashes. The goblins are also showing up as yellow exclamation marks. This is my mod list, in loaded order: ESM's Oblivion.esm GTAesgaard_2.esm ESP's 1em_GiveaGift FirstEditionGuideTotheEmpire DaggerfallBooks MorrowindBooks MaleBodyReplacerv5 Mage Equipment Alluring Potion Bottles v3 Alluring Wine Bottles TIE Malevolent GTAesgaard_2 MightyMagick - Core MightyMagick - Skills MightyMagick - Magicka Pool Progression Beautiful People Custom Race Fix. OMOD's Natural Faces Is there anything that I may be doing incorrectly as far as loading orders? Edit: Apparently, the GTAesgaard_2.esp should be loaded *last* Whilst this may solve some of the issues, the Nibenay Basin crashed even before I had that installed, so I think Tamriel Immersion Experience has something to do with it, but with an utter lack of a readme... Edit 2: I'm not sure, but I think the main culprit is T. I. E. Although for the life of me, I cannot fathom what could be causing the issue.
  7. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s720x720/521264_10150845593456741_1292915856_n.jpg Hey everyone. Okay, question: Could someone please remind me of which mod grants those sort of Wood Elf faces, because I've completely forgotten. Nor do I remember the body mesh that was. See, I recently reinstalled Skyrim on my new laptop, recent as in an hour ago, but I deleted my mods months ago. And now I can't remember which mod I used to grant me that face or body. All I know is it is NOT 'Handsome Male Elves and Faces'. Does anyone know of any other mod that grants better-looking male wood elves? My thanks.
  8. If nobody knows, saying 'I don't know' would be a lot less rude then blatantly ignoring this. Just saying.
  9. Hey everyone, Just had a quick question: Does anyone know the status of the 'Bonds of Blood' mod? The only downloads available are three .wmv files, and I'd ask in the Bioware forums, but the last reply to the latest topic was posted over a year ago. Is this essentially a 'Dead Mod', or are there various websites with links that I do not know about? It's been hell trying to google this. All I get is 'James Bond'. (Wtf?) My thanks, Niko.
  10. Thanks!!!

    Vous ĂȘtes de la France, le Camarade Sebastian ? :) j'aime ce pays!

  11. Well hey there, kiddo. :)
  12. Ah.. No longer there. :( Pity. Thanks anyway


  13. Thanks for getting back to me!! Looking forward to giving it a test. ;)
  14. Hey dude, that armor you posted a screenshot of kicks ass!!

    What is the mod you used to convert the Thief set?

  15. What the hell, dude? That armor kicks ass! It looks like part of the Thief set, but what is the conversion mod you used?
  16. One thing that's really funny AND reallllllllllllllllllllllllllly cute, LOL, is in the Mana Crypt of Tesa, which is North of Andrusha's Farm on your map, and on the 'L' of the 'Forest of Salathin'. When you go down to the lowest level of the Crypt, you'll encounter a bone-flayer named Leon. What's cute and charming about this character, is that Leon is actually made up of TWO Bone-Flayers - One is riding piggy-back on the other's shoulders. The one on the bottom is holding a staff in one hand, and the one on top is holding a decapitated head in one hand, and a glowing orb in the other. I haven't killed him yet, and since I focused on maxing out my personality, the Bone-flayers won't attack me, so I'm actually just watching it for a few moments. I'ma go kill it, but I think I'll see if I can resurrect it, haha. I'd feel a bit bad for killing it, because it's way too adorable. Are there any others that you guys might have come across? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v731/Exuros/NehrimScreen1.jpg
  17. People have proposed trying to mod a way for KIm to come back and travel with the player. But as you know...you can start over and have Kim again...just don't do the MQ so fast this time? There are many possibilities and thank goodness for modders. Enjoy the Nehrim! Haha.. Yes, it is being enjoyed, completing the Armor Sets at the moment. ;P But yeah! They should have elaborated on the Romance feature. :(
  18. Haha, well, I lived in Saxony for a few years, so German is more natural to me then my own language, Yakut. Besides, sometimes it was hard to read the subtitles over the glare of the armor, so I didn't bother trying after a while. :P And I kept hoping that the gods wouldn't have to die, especially Elrond(?) and Irlanda, since I did their respective quests. For some reason, I'm not really sure I want to play the mod anymore without having Kim tailing after me.. :P
  19. Oh, and the voice actors were AMAZING!!! They make Deutsch sound sweeter then music, how fortunate I feel to be able to speak the language enough so that I didn't need to focus on the subtitles, and could just enjoy the words. :P
  20. The fact that you (and lots of others so I hear) feel so strongly about the people who die...especially Kim....just shows what an awesome job those folks did. I mean to have all that game and STILL put that much personality into someone? Did you care when Oblivion people died? Heck I couldn't wait to get rid of Martin! LOL Exactly!!! The characters have more personality then some people I know in person, and I can only say that this mod left me feeling REALLY drained after I beat it, haha. I just sat my character down on Exodus Bay where Arkt was sitting and just stared at the screen after the ending credits, haha. Dude, I would have paid more for this mod then I paid for Oblivion WHEN it was new. And you're right about Martin. Sure I felt bad that he died, but I just shrugged it off. And the fact that it seemed that the mod killed off the characters in order of importance, with Kim being the last, makes it even better, because we actually start caring about them, due to knowing more about them. I wasn't really THAT sad when the first guy died to the Black Troll. LOL And the fact that this quest ended with your character sitting with Arkt, enjoying the sunset was a realllllllly nice touch. And the epilogue cutscene was equally melancholy, but man.. The music, the voice acting, the characters, this was a perfect mod.
  21. Or at least give Kim a proper burial. It would have been a nice touch to see his/her grave next to Arkt's fallen love. I didn't feel right about leaving him/her in Fate's Edge.
  22. .. Kim died? I mean, I could see why the General, Callisto, Vanmiria, and everyone else had to die, but wouldn't it have been fair to at least give Kim and the MC a happy ending? I mean, the ending kicked ass, but it was way too bittersweet for me.Especially his speech at the end, where he asks you to forgive him for using you. LOL. That was pretty cool.. But yeah, could there like... be a possibility where you get a side-quest that lets you resurrect your fallen comrades, including the Imprisoned Mage? THAT would actually be really cool, I think. Sort of like a Main Quest epilogue? That way, we have the Bittersweet ending, and then the MC sorta like.. Sleeps for a few days, when they get this random Quest popup saying like.. Hmm.. Some Mage claims he can bring people back from the dead or something, and then you go meet him, and he gives you all sorts of these trials and tests before he resurrects each one, and then the resurrected comrade would join you as a potential party member? :P Of course, a bittersweet ending would have been having the MC die too. But.. Meh.. DRAGON AGE SPOILERS!!!!!!! That might be cliche, since Dragon Age already did that, lol. And I doubt it would be possible anyway. :P
  23. Lol. that's the reverse of me. And I love Spider-Man, have the comics on my PC. :P But then you'd love the Old Mine bit, where you go down into that ladder and see the cocoons everywhere
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