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What if could get the guy from The Stanlee Parable to Narate everything


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But same way as Stanly he has a path he wants you to follow and would say things like stanly then proceeded to shoot all of Caesars legion in the face but you could decide not to and like stanly parable would then say something else but unlike stanly parrable the game wouldn't reset if you kept doing things against what he said but instead kept narrating the story and saying what the character might do next even if player does opposite



probably would be a huge mod and require paying that voice actor/ advertising stanly parrable either with in the game or all over the mod page



probably nothing will come of this since just a request and I don't know how to mod or write a decent story or anything was just an idea I had from a dream last night




i hope hope this makes sense

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sure it sounds fun... if you can get the guy to do it... and get a decent script for it. though it's be easier to make the Stealth armor use his voice and have it comment on your inventory related actions (opening the pip-boy, swapping weapons, healing, the suits own actions like cloaking and applying stims, taking off and putting on the armor, and all that stuff) it would take far fewer lines and wont require as many scripts.

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sure it sounds fun... if you can get the guy to do it... and get a decent script for it. though it's be easier to make the Stealth armor use his voice and have it comment on your inventory related actions (opening the pip-boy, swapping weapons, healing, the suits own actions like cloaking and applying stims, taking off and putting on the armor, and all that stuff) it would take far fewer lines and wont require as many scripts.


but i dont even use stealth boys x.x

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you dont have to use Stealthboys. even adding it to the power armor would be good as well.


why not just apply it to the pipboy then so its useable wit hall armour x.x



though i think be much more interesting to have nearly every action i do or dont take to be narrated

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why not just apply it to the pipboy then so its useable wit hall armour x.x

mostly because you want to be able to take a break from it once in a while. so if it was applied to powered armor or the stealth suit all you have to do is take the armor off. this will allow users to not uninstall when it gets annoying. also it will take far fewer scripts and it wont require a line for every single action. since you cant make money off the mod in any way that makes it so paying the actor (if he chooses he wants to be paid) then it will come out of your pocket, or not happen. so limiting things is a plus here.



though i think be much more interesting to have nearly every action i do or dont take to be narrated

that's figuratively impossible.


you also have to remember what are the odds you can even get the guy to do it? by only voicing actions it will bring things down to maybe a hundred to five hundred lines of dialog where as for what you want to do you would probably end up with more dialog for the mod then spoken lines in the game its self.

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why not just apply it to the pipboy then so its useable wit hall armour x.x

mostly because you want to be able to take a break from it once in a while. so if it was applied to powered armor or the stealth suit all you have to do is take the armor off. this will allow users to not uninstall when it gets annoying. also it will take far fewer scripts and it wont require a line for every single action. since you cant make money off the mod in any way that makes it so paying the actor (if he chooses he wants to be paid) then it will come out of your pocket, or not happen. so limiting things is a plus here.



though i think be much more interesting to have nearly every action i do or dont take to be narrated

that's figuratively impossible.


you also have to remember what are the odds you can even get the guy to do it? by only voicing actions it will bring things down to maybe a hundred to five hundred lines of dialog where as for what you want to do you would probably end up with more dialog for the mod then spoken lines in the game its self.


So your saying more dialog is a bad thing ?


i disagree I also don't see how it would be impossible just. Lots of lines like "character decided to shoot "NPC name" until they died" but player could stop and run away or not do it and over all the narrator could maybe just narrate the mr. House story line of leaving from doc Mitchell and going to the strip and the rest of the game from there but of course keep it interesting with choices and alternative narrative for not taking the choice the narrator wanted


not saying get a narration for every time you open pipboy or equip stuff just use named npcs ignore randomly generated nameless ones use certain roads and locations

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So your saying more dialog is a bad thing ?

no im saying more dialog can be expensive. i do sound editing... so i also know it takes a lot of time to get it sounding right as well.



i disagree I also don't see how it would be impossible just.

"Figuratively: means metaphorically, and literally describes something that actually happened. If you say that a guitar solo literally blew your head off, your head should not be attached to your body."


i said it was figuratively impossible. what i mean is it is do able... just an unrealistic goal.



Lots of lines like "character decided to shoot "NPC name" until they died" but player could stop and run away or not do it and over all the narrator could maybe just narrate the mr. House story line of leaving from doc Mitchell and going to the strip and the rest of the game from there but of course keep it interesting with choices and alternative narrative for not taking the choice the narrator wanted

dont want to seem rude or anything but i feel like you dont understand how scripting works. also you seem to miss the amount of scripting your idea will require. there's a reason the MK II stealth suit doesnt have very many lines.

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