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Editing Perk Properties


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XGAbilityTree.BuildAbilities has a lot of the standard properties of various abilities, including what affects they apply, whether they have cooldowns, who they target, etc. IIRC this is a native function in vanilla and was re-implemented in unrealscript by Long War, but I could be wrong on that.

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You can read the values by opening up XComGame.upk in the UE Explorer program. Actually changing anything requires writing a hex patch file and applying it with upkutils/patchergui. This is fairly advanced stuff. though.


If all you want to do is add a pre-existing perk to a pre-existing item instead of actually changing the inner workings of things, you can do that just by editing the .ini files. DefaultGameCore.ini has all the info. If it was a weapon, for example, search that file for "Weapons=" and find the line with the iType= value for the weapon you want to change. Then look at the ABILITIES array and add the value for the ability you want. Try looking for similar examples in the file and copy those.

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Info on the vanilla Perks and Abilities can be found in the wiki article "XCOM: EU Perks". The Perks codes themselves are found in the "Table of Perk Codes and Offsets" article. The "BuildAbilities" function code is broken out in the article "XGAbilityTree.BuildAbilities". Again these are for vanilla. If you aren't familiar with what is involved in modifying the UPK files (i.e. "hex patch files"), start with the wiki article "Hex editing UPK files".


Long War has re-purposed some perk codes and modified some 600 functions. Check out the "Forums" tab on the Long War download page for the thread on LW Modding.



Edited by dubiousintent
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