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Everything posted by tracktwo

  1. Check X2PathSolver (might have the name slightly wrong, on mobile). This is the class that contains utilities for computing a reachable path between points.
  2. Since the new call is buried inside spawn for actors I'm afraid you may be out of luck, unless there is some alternative to spawn that lets you pass in an instance name that it'll respect, but I'm not aware of any such thing. So I think your workaround might be the only viable option here.
  3. .44s is fairly long, I think that should be fine. You might want to grab the laser upks and see if there are any differences in how yours are set up, and run through the checklist Amineri provided if you haven't already. Opening the laser packages in the editor needs to be done in a funny order due to dependencies. Open the attachments first, and cannon also depends on sniper rifle but other weapons only depend on attachments iirc.
  4. And now that the laser pack is out I can say we had exactly this problem with the SFX on the cannon and sniper rifle and fixed it by lengthening the fire animations on those weapons. Originally they were very short - like 1 or 2 frames if you're at 30fps, so they'd often get dropped if the framerate dipped.
  5. That's kind of off topic for this thread, but yes there are a few comments on the workshop page.
  6. I tried that too, no dice unfortunately. The problem is these classes are native. Adding any new member variables to them changes the size of the objects, and leads to a size mismatch between the unreal objects and the corresponding native structure. I really feel like this would require a patch from Firaxis to get it to work completely correctly. That said, the workaround of putting sound cue notifies in other animations should work. I'm not sure why you are still getting cut off SFX when using those on longer animations.
  7. Yep, that's an alternative too, you'll just need to sync it up to the shot. I'm not an animator either so I don't know how to do it, but I do know the default animations for sniper and cannon shots are extremely short so they frequently have this problem with custom SFX. Another hint: be careful to not put the SFX cue at exactly the same time as another notify or it may not play. Stagger them all slightly so they trigger close to each other but not exactly the same time.
  8. The animation you attached the SFX to is probably too short. The sound effects can get cut off if the animation is so short that a frame rate dip can skip the sound notify. If you make the animation longer that should help.
  9. Yep, I've had this problem in the past too, even before the patch. Don't subscribe to you own mods or things can behave very oddly.
  10. Found a mistake in my original post: XcomEditorUserSettings.ini is the file you want, not Default. It may already have the SourceControl section in it.
  11. If you look for a launch.log in the SDK log folder (not the one in your personal my games folder) it might be able to give you more insight about what's going wrong. I think it's in SDK/xcomgame/logs but I might have the path not quite right.
  12. Yes, new bug since the June patch makes the new feature not work. Source: Firaxis.
  13. @Abeclancy there is a bug in the xcomgame loading that requires a hotfix from Firaxis to work. It prevents loading a custom cooked xcomgame package from a mod folder. As a workaround for testing locally you can copy the xcomgame.upk and size file into the game's cookedpcconsole folder (not the SDK folder, the game). Basically overwriting the base game version with yours. Back up the old one first! And doing so will obviously mean you can't run vanilla until you restore the original files, even if you untick your mod in the launcher.
  14. There is apparently a problem with source control integration in the editor since the patch. Try editing XComEditorUserSettings.ini to include: [SourceControl] Disabled=True That helped for me. EDIT: Original post said DefaultEditorUserSettings.ini, correct file is XComEditorUserSettings.ini. Both files exist but XCom is the one to change.
  15. Did you see my post a few responses back up? The loc should all happen long before it gets to flash. If that string isn't showing up localized when you `Log it the problem isn't on the flash side, it's in the regular unreal loc. Double check for typos in your loc file and make sure the entry is in a correctly named file.
  16. That sounds like something is misconfigured in your localization setup. All the loading of localization should happen long before you get to the call site where you pass a string to flash. To verify, you have it declared as "var localized string strFoo" and then in MyMod.int you have a section [MyMod.WhateverClass] with 'strFoo="some text"'? EDIT: To clarify, if the localized string is in one of your classes, not a base game template or anything, then your loc needs to be defined in a file with your mod name, not XComGame.int.
  17. Can't you just use your own localized string variables in your own .int file?
  18. Scaleform is not likely to help you too much, I don't think. That would be useful if you want to create your own custom flash, but that'd completely bifurcate the UI. In order to make a custom screen or panel from the flash level you need to tie into the ActionScript framework exposed by the game's ui - you need to inherit from the right classes and call the right functions in the actionscript to make that work, and none of that source code is part of the SDK. I did hack together a custom screen with some custom flash, importing the .swf to unreal and that did load (at least I could draw some basic sprites). But since it's not really a proper Screen at the flash level I can't attach any vanilla panels to it, so I can't really build anything useful from this unless I want to reimplement all the widgets and everything. I don't think I understand your original problem, though. Are you trying to create a new screen and display some existing panels in it? As. I understand it, that should work, but there might be something specific about the intel panel that I'm not familiar with.
  19. The default mod template just populates from some .zip files that are provided by Firaxis. You can find them all in your SDK\Binaries\Win32\ModBuddy\Extensions\Application\ProjectTemplates\XCOM2Mod\1033\ folder (e.g. DefaultMod.zip). Looks like the templates weren't updated with the patch. But there isn't anything magic about the templates, you can just copy over all the files from SrcOrig into your mod folder and it'll show the updated ones. The only gotcha is that any new files won't be automatically added to the project, so you'll need to manually "Add Existing Item" and choose the files to add all the new ones to the project. Probably easiest to use a diff tool like windiff/kdiff3/etc to do a folder compare of the classes in SrcOrig to the ones in the mod and that should tell you all the files that exist in SrcOrig but not in the mod that you need to add to the project.
  20. There are extra arguments to `log() that you can use to categorize your own log messages into a different log category. This can make them easier to read. E.g. `Log("My log message",/*A condition goes here to log only if a condition is met*/,'SomeName'); Then in the logs it'll say something like: [0021.32] SomeName: My log message This can make it easier to grep for your own messages by searching for "SomeName:". As a bonus, you can use the "+Suppress=SomeName" directive in XComEngine.ini to suppress all of the logs in this category, so you can set up detailed tracing that is suppressed by default but you can turn on (with a -Suppress) for debugging. There's also the "FilteredLog" section in DefaultEngine.ini that looks like it'll log particular categories into different log files, but I couldn't get that to work.
  21. Yeah, you can use the animset instead, which is probably sufficient for the "Fire" sounds which is probably all you need for this particular scenario. But you can't easily handle the projectile "Death" sounds cause you don't know when the projectile will actually die cause the animation can't react to different target distances.
  22. One thing that bugged me about the projectile system was the sound files are AkEvents *only*, which means if you want to make custom ones you'll need to get the wwise software. On the reddit thread a while ago asking about feature requests for the SDK I put in a request for the addition of SoundCues to the X2UnifiedProjectile class in addition to the AkEvents, as that'd make adding custom sounds much simpler. Or maybe you can figure out a way to get it to work as-is (if so please let me know!). Or, you can try using the wwise stuff. They apparently offer free limited licenses for free/small projects that you can request.
  23. You can't override them, but you can make your own. Instead of modifying the existing one you'll need to create a new class that derives from SequenceAction (for an action, at least). Modifying the existing one in xcomgame would basically make your mod a highlander mod, which you may or may not want. So you can easily create a custom version (E.g. MyExtendedGetUnitTeam) that adds the additional cases to the switch in Activated(). Rebuild your mod, then launch the editor and you should be able to create a new node of your new kind by right-clicking and selecting it in the menu. I've done this for both EW and Xcom2. Similarly you can create a new event by making a new class, but I have not done this myself yet so I'm not sure of the details. It looks like you can just extend SeqEvent_X2GameState and then trigger the call to kismet via "Battle.TriggerGlobalEventClass(class'MyEventClass', Battle)" but there may be some details that need to be worked out there. In order to actually use the new nodes you need to make custom kismet sequences, but presumably you're already doing that. If you're defining a new mission type it's probably easiest to make a copy of the mission map (Obj_whatever.umap) that is closest to what you want and then make your changes there. Then you can set your new map to be used for the missions in xcommissions.ini in the "MapNames" array.
  24. Yeah, I feel bad about not being able to release it after seeing this thread (and a lot of the other stuff in toolbox too), but NDA is NDA. :) I think I wrote LWTuple around the end of February.
  25. I used the term more in the mathematical sense, an ordered set of n elements. Although strictly speaking, unreal allows it to grow or shrink so it's not really n elements. It's also a rough analog to std::tuple in c++ without the type safety.
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