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Ragdoll Data?


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Just curious I created a new creature with new bodypartdata and not sure if I need a ragdoll or not? If I should assign one how do I assign my creature to an existing ragdoll dialog?




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Inside the Body Part Data, there's a Ragdoll drop-down menu where you can select existing ragdolls.


Only if the a ragdoll ID is associated with it. I have no options to select a ragdoll for my bodypartdata so trying to figure out to add options.




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I did few experiments, it seems that what counts is not the dropdown menu (I can have NONE but in FO3Edit I still will see the ragdoll datas) but what it's in the Ragdoll window.

If you have FO3-GECK and you can remove temporarily the dependency from FONV masters, it could deserve a look in the Ragdoll window out there

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you can remove temporarily the dependency from FONV masters, it could deserve a look in the Ragdoll window out there


Don't quite understand this to be honest as I'm reading it it seems out of my level and at the same time I feel stupid for not asking for clarification lol. I did check in FNV geck I used DefaultBodyPartsData as the template for my creature and changed the ID etc and all the parts data hoping it would retain the stuff I didn't need to change (Ragdoll......) but nope. Today I was curious and did a use data check on the NPCRagdoll and it has my partsdata as a user even though I can't select it on my partsdata drop down.

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I mean that if your ESP is just a creature, you probably don't require FalloutNV.esm as master, you could change it and open it using the GECK for FO3 (or simply redo everything inside GECK for FO3). The ragdoll window in NV GECK is broken, it CTDs. But it works on FO3 GECK.

Now... If I simply duplicate a part data, creating a new ID, on the dropdown menu it will remove the ragdoll informations, ok? just like in your new creature, it tells me NONE. But if I open the mod with FNVEdit, it tells me that instead I have these ragdoll datas. If also open it with FO3 GECK, and go in Ragdoll window instead than in Body Part Data, I still will see that it is used.

TL;DR: if you add the ragdoll informations via FNVEdit, it could be that the dropdown menu still says NONE, you should verify it on the Ragdoll window (but you can open it only in FO3 GECK)


To make a different example, check the FO3 robobrain, it has 2 different Body Part Datas, one is named something like RoboBrainBodyPartData, and another one is named like MQ03RoboBrainBodyPartData. I'm going completely by memory, so I probably will be wrong with the names. However, both these part datas use the robobrain ragdoll, but in one of them you will see that the dropdown menu points to NONE, but if you open FO3EDIT you will see that it points to the right Robobrain Ragdoll.


I hope I didn't do too much mess...



wait, let me add a screenshot, it's easier :smile:


Edited by Fallout2AM
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That is exactly what I am seeing NPCRagdoll has defaultbodypartsdata and mine listed as users so I'm just gonna flow with it XD. Thanks for clarifying what you meant.


Appreciate the help,


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Welp yeah that doesn't work sad to say. if you kill one of my creatures with the custom bodypartdata no problem but if you are sick and twisted and want to completely dismember them after death....Game crash >< I really wish I knew how to add a ragdoll to the bodypartsdata. Looks like my idea wont work in the end and I'll have to revert back to human enemies. Oh well luckily I have a decent fall back plan XD

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