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Bring back Borus


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I've done the quest where you find the mythic dawn base, Borus survived the sewers just fine- it took me several attempts to make it so but in the end he did and said he was off to cloud ruler temple.


I get back to cloud ruler and...wtf? Where is he- I speak to Jaufre- Borus served with honour.

eh? He's dead? But he survived?

Reading around the internet it turns out he can sometimes die on the journey back to cloud ruler.

Considering how dangerous the area around cloud ruler is....yes. He could well have done.

Well that sucks. Through no fault of my own he croaked.


Is there anyway to bring him back? Some sort of cheat to ressurect him?

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Sounds like you want a mod called "Great Gate Essential NPC's v.1.1".


I'm sorry I don't have a link to it here -- when I try to put the name through the Nexus file search it comes up with nothing and I DLed it so long ago I can't remember exactly where it was.


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Another option is to use the console to get him back. Open the console (use the tilde key "~" right above the TAB key usually) then enter

prid 00032A17
resurrect 1

If you travel to Cloud Ruler first then Baurus won't have a long walk. I always escort non-essential characters to their destinations ... part of my job. :laugh:

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I can't find it, either, Herculine, and a Google search only turned up one possible download location and that one consistently times out. I did notice, however, that you spelled it "NPC's", which is not a plural, but a possessive form of "NPC" (i.e., "belonging to NPC", rather than indicating multiple NPCs). If that's not actually the way the author of the mod spelled it, then it might make a difference with some search engines. Google filters out punctuation, so it isn't an issue with that one.


I had to do this, once, but I'm not certain exactly what I did to accomplish it (it was with a different character, though). I seem to recall that I tried something like this (using Baurus refID, instad of the one I used):


  • prid 00032A17
    resurrect 1


At this point he should be back in the game with all his AI intact, which means he should go to wherever he's supposed to be. If you want to check to make sure, then use


  • player.moveto 00032A17


This should warp you to his position. I warn you to save your game before you do this, though, just in case this totally borks things up. Baurus is quest-related, and I have no idea how bringing him back into the game when some quest goals have already been reached, leaving him "behind", will affect things.

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Hmmm ... looks like Striker879 beat me to it while I was proof-reading my response. I wasn't aware that "enable" would be required, though. I don't think the resurrect command brings an NPC into the world in the disabled state, but I could be wrong about that. At any rate, enabling an already enabled character should have no effect, so it wouldn't hurt to do it that way, just in case.
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@ Ferryt:

If they've died and gone to heaven (disappeared from the game world) you need to enable them after raising them from the dead. If you can still see their rotting corpse (so to speak) you can just click 'em and 'resurrect 1' them.

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Check. Like I said, I've only had to do this once, and it was a long time ago -- and I remember trying all sorts of things until I finally got it to work. I'm happy you had a solution for Tyr1. I know how frustrating it can be to have an important character disappear from the game through no fault of your own.
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In my original post I really wasn't paying much attention to the spelling -- I copy/pasted that straight from the readme. It's also spelled like this in the name of the actual .esp file:


Great Gate Essential NPC's v.1.1


I tried the Nexus file search without the faulty punctuation (since Nexus filenames don't allow such) but unfortunately still came up with nothing...


...which brings me to the conclusion that I must have DLed that from another site.


I'l do some backtracking and see if I can find it.

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