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Bring back Borus


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Hmmm ... looks like Striker879 beat me to it while I was proof-reading my response. I wasn't aware that "enable" would be required, though. I don't think the resurrect command brings an NPC into the world in the disabled state, but I could be wrong about that. At any rate, enabling an already enabled character should have no effect, so it wouldn't hurt to do it that way, just in case.

Ferryt brings up a very valid point here:

Baurus is quest-related, and I have no idea how bringing him back into the game when some quest goals have already been reached, leaving him "behind", will affect things.

My experience using 'resurrect 1' then 'enable' has been on non-quest NPCs (or in the case of Umbra, quests that had been completed). Re-enabling Baurus after the game has flagged him dead may have undesirable side-effects. A save beforehand is essential.

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You can do this much easier if you're running OBSE. Just click on the actor you want (in this case Baurus) and use the command


  • setrefessential 1


And before anyone contradicts me on this, I just now tested it by "killing" one of the sheep in Aleswell after using this command on it, and in a few moments it got back up and resumed its place at the fence -- just as you would expect with an essential actor. I know there are some people who claim that you can't use OBSE commands from the console, but that simply isn't true. I don't know where they're getting that misinformation, but I've come across it in a couple of places on other sites.

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