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Suggestions on a Healer build? Mods? ....Names?


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i was thinking the other day that a healer build would be quite interesting to try for my next playthrough but really past Restoration, Alteration and Illusion (for the follower buff spells) im not too sure what else to really specialize in. what else would really complement the Healer playthrough? also too i am going to use Forgotten Magic, Apocalypse Spell Package and Lost Grimoire for offensive Restoration spells but are there any other mods that would help that build?


lastly while im here, where do people get all these cool, lore-friendly names for their characters? iv seen a ton and the best that i can come up with is still Jeffrey. Gopher has a character named Godkrieg, so far thats my favorite.

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Perhaps a name from a northern name day? http://www.nordicnames.de/wiki/Category:Name_Days


I'm not really into mods that affect the characters magic spells past the vanilla ones, but you will definitely need Alchemy (restoration potions) and Enchanting for your mage gear (to increase magicka regeneration). I would also go for Conjuration to distract your enemies until your spell is ready to be discharged.

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Yes, I was going to suggest Alchemy and Enchanting.


It will be difficult playing Skyrim without killing anything, although there are videos, IIRC. of a pacifist Monk who used illusion to pacify and subdue everything without killing a single thing.


Conjuration Madness has a ton of summoning spells if you wanted to increase those.


As for character names, I use the basic guidelines that:


Imperial = Roman, latinised

Breton = Gaulish, Bretonic Celtic

Nord = Norse, Viking


and so on.


My first Skyrim character was Nord "Druid", before there were any Druid mods, so she was a Rune Witch and I named her Ansfrida Eyowulfsdottir and gave her a family tree.


Ansfrida means "Protected by the Gods" and Eyowulfsdottir means "daughter of Lucky Wolf".

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sorry about that, completely forgot that i had posted this.


alchemy and enchanting are good calls, i like the sound of that for more support but honestly i dont know about conjuration. im thinking a strictly support type of healer and if needs be only being able to fall back on a dagger or something. im trying to avoid both destruction and conjuration and instead focus on spells like paralysis or calm when things get out of control (i have over 1300 hours in this game so i wanted to give myself a real challenge). is there anything else that really comes off as healer themed schools to focus on? speech possibly but others?


as for the names, that site and those methods work for human races, but how about the nonhuman ones? cause im thinking of going with an Altmer this time sense iv never played one before. i cant pinpoint any kind of origin for their names though, same with Dunmer, Orcs and so on.

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I did a Pacifist run and though she didn't kill anything I would imagine her Skill choices would work for a Healer also...I managed to get her into the mid 20's level with great success, but then I started the MQ and the Dragons were her undoing, I couldn't find a way to passively get around them....but until then she did manage many quests and exploration without killing anyone (beside one accidental death, Bandit fell from a height due to her activities)...These are the Skills I focused on:






Lock Picking

Pick Pocket



I did have to use a Mod Perk Tree to boost the strength of her Illusion though for a successful Play through...and console up her Magicka Pool.

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I did a Pacifist run and though she didn't kill anything I would imagine her Skill choices would work for a Healer also...


but then I started the MQ and the Dragons were her undoing






Lock Picking

Pick Pocket



Yes, the only way to get Shouts is to kill Dragons and absorb their souls. But then, I have played for hundreds of hours while completely ignoring the main quest, using camping and multiple follower mods, building stockades and strongholds all over the place.


For a Healer, I would swap Pick Pockets for Enchanting, as rings, circlets, robes etc with enchantments to boost magicka, stamina and Illusion would be of great benefit. I suppose reverse Pick Pockets could be used to put a potion of Pacify in someone's inventory. Some people have used that to poison targets, but I think Enchanting would be more useful. Although, coming by the filled Soul Gems would also be a problem for a non-combatant Healer.


How does the OP feel about using multiple followers to do the killing for you, and you just heal and buff them like a Healer Cleric in AD&D?

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I did a Pacifist run and though she didn't kill anything I would imagine her Skill choices would work for a Healer also...


but then I started the MQ and the Dragons were her undoing






Lock Picking

Pick Pocket



Yes, the only way to get Shouts is to kill Dragons and absorb their souls. But then, I have played for hundreds of hours while completely ignoring the main quest, using camping and multiple follower mods, building stockades and strongholds all over the place.


For a Healer, I would swap Pick Pockets for Enchanting, as rings, circlets, robes etc with enchantments to boost magicka, stamina and Illusion would be of great benefit. I suppose reverse Pick Pockets could be used to put a potion of Pacify in someone's inventory. Some people have used that to poison targets, but I think Enchanting would be more useful. Although, coming by the filled Soul Gems would also be a problem for a non-combatant Healer.


How does the OP feel about using multiple followers to do the killing for you, and you just heal and buff them like a Healer Cleric in AD&D?


I found the Pickpocket rather useful for a few quests once her stealth was up, such as her having to pickpocket a Bandit for keys to proceed, etc...The Bandit I remember well because she took his coins too while she was there and though he didn't react to her at the time a few days later some Hired Thugs turned up, she pacified them and picked their pockets also :tongue: ...the Note and their coins :happy: ...she was a lot of fun :smile:

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My Skrim is a brutal place were even a level 40+ worrier has no chance of survival on their own.

For a Healer it is hell.

In my game the healers job is to heal the party so the first thing to do is gather a party. The party will be a tank(two handed sword), a dual wielder & an archer or mage. It will take time to gather the party since most followers don't show the first time you enter an inn & in my game the follower dialogue(UFO) doesn't come up the first time. If on the second time the "follow me I need your help" doesn't come up the follower doesn't what to join the party. I basically use the glitches in the follower system for roleplaying.

In a battle all the healer is going to do is heal or hide or run away. In a normal game my healer would die several times in battle since it only takes one arrow, one spell or just a touch of a blade to kill them. I use the Death Alternative mod to give the followers a chance to save the healer. I have also set up Death Alternative so that the followers can be healed & return to battle from bleed out. Some followers will leave you if you are defeated. When I see the followers that left the party in an inn I use the mod "Followers go on Trips" to send them out to do their own adventuring & the possibility to get captured by bandits or the Forsworn. Then I rescue them.


I use Alternate Start left for dead scenario. This sometimes means instant death so it is not easy getting to an inn to find followers. I usually don't save until I get to an inn.


I only allow my Healer to update Restoration, Sneak, Enchanting, Illusion & Smithing. I do allow the use of conjuring staffs found by scavenging but all other staffs must be given to the mage or sold. Soul trapping is not allowed.


The smithing perk is used to make armor & upgrade armor for the rest of the party. all followers must be paid with new armor & weapons. The healer scavenges robes from the battle field. All my healers eventually find master robes.


I don't allow healers to use dragon shouts. The only shouts they will learn are from the Grey Beards. I don't progress the main quest past that point anyway.


Dragon Souls are used with Deadly Dragons perks. In my game it is not a cheat but an necessity. I also use Deadly Dragons assault feature to have more than one dragon in battle. I use a mod to add dragons before the main quest starts since it my be weeks before I start it & I only start it to get Breeze Home & to go to Solstheim.


My games are mainly about fighting dragon & bandits. The quests are mainly bounty quests with a twist & Jarl quests with some mod quests thrown in . A typical scenario is my party runs toward a fort with 15 or more bandits in it because it is being attacked by dragons. Since there is no chance of survival in the open(dragons are set to the highest level in DD), they have no choice but to head to the fort & hope that the bandits are more interested in fighting dragons than fighting us. My job as healer is to avoid the bandits, hide from the dragons & heal the party. These battles are epic.



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