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Problem with staying Logged in


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This recently started happening to me too, but mainly with Firefox 3.6. I switched to using Firefox 4.0 (as my b/f installed both on this pc) and it's been moslty fine, though I do have to log in more frequently than every two weeks.
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I've had that problem on other sites. Its usually something with your browser. Either a browser incompatibility with some of the site functions, a problem with the cookies, or a setting in your browser that is not letting some of the site functions work correctly.

It might also be scripts or javascripts that are still hidden away in your internet cache from other sites that could be causing conflicts.


Other than the expiration of your cookie over the two week period, or getting banned, there's nothing that the site would be doing to log you out.


Try completely clearing out your internet cache, temp files, and log back in. See if that helps. Or check your browser settings to make sure that options are set for optimal use when you're here on these sites. You might also check to make sure that your system is clean of any spyware or viruses. And you can also try using a different browser.


Some toolbar addins might also be causing the problem.


Hope that you get it sorted out, that kind of thing is just an absolute pain in the rump!

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I use Firefox 3.6.13, satanslilhelper, and I've been logged in for an awfully long time (days), so it's not a problem that is unique to FF 3.6.


I think DarkeWolf summed it up pretty well, LordFrostcraig, but one of the first thing I'd check is to see if the cookie settings in your browser got messed up, somehow, although dumping your cache might be a good first step, too.

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