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Texture reassignment to nifs


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Im trying to assign a Sentrybot textureto a Sentrybot but the Texture just shows up all glitchy and bugged.


When previewed first time in the GECK, it appears just fine but when placed in a interior or exterior, it either shows all white and then glitchy textures.


Am I doing something wrong?


If so, Its wearing me down. If somebody could atleast help me with this, I will be greatful.



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If the new and old object are the same, and both new and old textures are part of the base game then this seems like it should work fine. If you have created this texture, have you created other textures successfully? Certain file formats work correctly in geck but not in game, or vice versa. Be sure to use DXT3 and enable mipmap creation when saving the dds. Are you using archive invalidation? Is it possible that you have many mods, which may be having some unexpected effect such as an additional copy of the texture?
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Oh Im unsure about any of that stuff. Im still pretty new to the Whole texture business.


The texture in question is this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/images/5001-1-1237653655.jpg


Anyways I will see what I can do.


What is DTX3 by the way?

Edited by DrakenGuard
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Well this is the current state:




Its fixed but damn its glowing and bright.


I uploaded the file here in the main mod and as a seperate "fix"


Its still too bright tho.





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I recommend to use dxt5 compression on your dds files cause you get to use more colors on your alpha channel.


The texture is looking too bright on your model cause of the reflection of light off it. That is mainly controlled by the specular map, which is on the alpha channel of your normalmap (_n.dds)


So open up the normalmap and look at the alpha channel of it. it is greyscale colors. The darker to black that you make it the less shiny it will be. You probably want to make it pretty dark, test it outdoors under the sunlight in daytime.

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