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How to enable Amulet & Tail slots?


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Hello, everyone...


I'm here asking this question relating to my forthcoming add-on mod.

I'm using Amulet slot for right-arm's accessories.

But when on the 1st person view, the accessories disabled.

So then i changed the slot to the Tail.

But then when i use console command "tfc", i realized that in 1st person view, the tail & amulet were disable.


So, if someone know how to enable all slots (especially amulet & tail slots) for 1st person view, please let me know.

I'll give Kudo if someone could help.


Thanks... :mellow:

Edited by lovender
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I'm not quite sure that I understand. If I read you right, it sounds like you are assuming that if you check the amulet or tail (or any other) slot on an 'accessory' it will automagically work? An item, whether it be cuirass, helmet, ring or shield has to be designed to work in a particular slot. You cannot make a cuirass work on the hair slot, for example, unless it is specifically designed to do so.
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Oh, Hi Hickory...

Thanks for your reply.


But what i mean here is about the appearance in "1st-person-view".

For example: i made arm-greaves worked on the amulet slot.

In "3rd-person-view" it worked fine & i can see the arm-greaves when i equip it.


But then when i change to "1st-person-view", the arm-greaves didn't appear.

In other words, i believe that in "1st-person-view" the amulet & tail slot disabled.


So, my question is: Is there a way to enable the amulet & tail for "1st-person-view"?


Thanks. I hope i explained better this time.

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LOL! :laugh:


Well, forget about it then, Hick...

I decided to use Right Hand slot for my problem.


Sorry, maybe i have difficulties in telling the problem.

But bcos i can't give you more Kudo, so check this out!


Thanks... :thumbsup:

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