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Best Place you ooted?


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Hey guys/gilrs I was playing FNV on my PS3 and I decided to go to the bommers at NAFB with my level 11 chharacter. I found a guy who made me pay 300 caps but I killed him and got 700 caps and I just went along the train tracks and got there without getting hurt(Suprisingly). When I got ther eI stole everything I could without being seen and I stole a whole crap load of stuff. I mean I dont even know what to do with all this stuff I got. I got grenade launchers and rifles the Thump Thump and missile launchers and mess load of ammo and combat armors that I sold to the boomers lol. I got a marksman carbine and an assault carbine. I mean it was like heaven in the FNV universe. I just want to know what was the best palce you looted? I really recomend the NAFB if you havent looted it yet.
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Van Graff's. Every time I play through and need money, I do Cass's quest and just clear out the Silver Rush. Thousands of caps' worth of energy weapons in there.
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Van Graff's. Every time I play through and need money, I do Cass's quest and just clear out the Silver Rush. Thousands of caps' worth of energy weapons in there.


Wow. Everytime I try that my character, Veronica nad ED-E turn into ash piles :/


The best place I've looted was Vault 34. I giggled when I saw the containers of loot and Mk2 Combat armor...

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You can just give yourself a million caps if you want but the real reward isn't having the best place to loot it's finding the most challenging place and looting whatever is there, it could just be a few guns but it will feel much more rewarding to loot the quarry than to drop some landmines outside the van graffs then lead them outside.
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Actually I think I'm like Level 20 now. Cass and I went into Van Graff's and just mowed 'em down, lol! She passed out, but I didn' t even lose 1/2 my life. Of course I have my "Nasty Grandpa" gun to thank, but they were a piece of cake. I even did it twice, cause even I couldn't believe it! It was mad fun, especially with the Bloody Mess perk.


I was so cocky, I didn't even take all the guns at first. Some were too cheap to bother with :tongue:


I do agree though, that the more challenging the area, the more satisfaction with the loot, even if it's some sensor modules or something. I enjoy looting period, so anyplace I can get good stuff makes me happy :pirate:

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You can just give yourself a million caps if you want but the real reward isn't having the best place to loot it's finding the most challenging place and looting whatever is there, it could just be a few guns but it will feel much more rewarding to loot the quarry than to drop some landmines outside the van graffs then lead them outside.


Hey now, I resent that! :P

I always do it properly and, more importantly, differently. Going in alone and using the ballistic fist certainly makes it rewarding, if only because of the bonus awesome points.

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The vault with all the fiends


First: they have a lot of automatic weapons, meds, vault uniforms, and ammo.........Wait, you also get a chainsaw :woot: Oh another trick is to give Veronica a Chainsaw it will not decay thus she will have unlimited ammo and be as powerful as ------Place---Persons-----Name----Here------


Second: Fiends are the easiest to kill with a few head shots and you get the experience from them easily gaining one to two levels


Third: You get the reward for killing (The guy with the chainsaw I keep wanting to say Chain Chop well ok)

Ya chain chop is rather easy all you need is a few mines and a few slugs

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