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New vegas missing textures issue(goodsprings)


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So at first i started a new game, everything with the exception of a few red signs with exclamation marks showed up alongside the road of goodsprings and there was a lot of them in the goodsprings general store. I attempted an archive invalidation after seeing this and restarted the game. Now i see a black road with red signs ALL over the side of the godam road. Using mods shown from here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PXoYBg2bdanMbqN1VsCTcFnqAUl4pww307VgVugGi7c/preview?pli=1&sle=true (beast list)

One of the first exclamation points encountered was beside the car in front of doc mitchels house. (Not sure if it's a barrel or possibly a streetlamp?)


I currently have 146 active plugins (i've heard of it breaking over 139 or so not sure if this was the specific issue). Incase this is related in anyway, i've noticed that my loading screens for entering a new area, say doc mitchels house-goodsprings was abnormally long. Looking through fnvedit, nothing looks relatively bad enough to cause anything near as bad as what i'm seeing.


Edit: starting to believe that this might be a mod overload issue, when i load into a save, saved outside of docs mitchels house, the road that i'm on starts out as black and gradually seems to load color. I noticed similar things happening to some of the nearby houses (they just started out really really black and gradually loaded color)


I am running: NVSE fnv4gb fomm, i used fnveditor and fnvplugin for the two types of merged patches. (also used fnveditor to add in any items that didn't get added in to the merged patch)

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

Edited by Akebo
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Try dropping the fnv 4gb mod, and see if that helps. Try also incrementally adding mods into the game, seeing which ones mess up the game. I would start with a few, and go from there. And try to keep your load order tidy. Also, one last thing, try merging a few mods. This may help too.

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With the amount of mods you have, you definitely need the 4Gb enabler. Also, you already know what is the problem "i've heard of it breaking over 139 or so not sure if this was the specific issue"


Reduce your load list, your computer can't handle it. Use only one merged patch.

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