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costom class


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ok here is what i did went into gimp and made a picture into a dds file set it as the picture for a class i made then when i get asked about what class at the end of the sewers the picture doesn't show? and its a nice picture


any body have a clue what may have gone wrong?

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That is not your issue only it happens to a lot of people with creating classes and birthsigns. I made a birthsign once and it wouldn't let me even choose it. Either this or it won't recognize the image.
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Not sure probably need to email bethsoft about it or as some of the members who do that kind of modding. We all have our aces if you get what I mean. My ace is character designing but not on the lines of class, birthsign, etc modding, I will get someone to help if I can though.
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The total canvas size has to be 512 x 512 pixels, and the image itself is usually around 370 x 510 placed at the top left corner. It shoud have an alpha chanel. When you save the DDS, save it as DXT3 (explicit alpha) and generate mipmaps. It should look something like this:





With Alpha channel visible, it would look like this:


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ok tested and failed on mine the black area was white i gave the file an alpha channel hmmmmm where does oblvion keep the base files for its classes? i will have to crack them open and see how they did it and see what sperates the image files for theres from mine a lil reverse enginearing
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ok tested and failed on mine the black area was white i gave the file an alpha channel


Your alpha was inversed.



hmmmm mwhere does oblvion keep the base files for its classes?


Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa

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