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Please help me fix Ghorbash's AI package with Dynamic things.


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Dynamic things makes Ghorbash in the orc strong hold stop training. He just stands there and stares at the dummy instead of following his normal AI routine for attacking the dummy (training). I believe this because the id of the training dummy changes to a dynamic things reference once the game loads. What I don't understand is how to change his AI package to refrence the object thats going to replace the vanilla training dummy. Can any of you modders out there explain this one to me please? I don't know if this is the only static that NPC interface with, that's included in dynamic things but, this could be helpful for other mod conflicts as well. I'm sure a a lot of people still use Dynamic things. So please help me out if you can. Thanks.

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Yes. When I remove dynamic things he will attack the training dummy as intended by vanilla skyrim. The problem is his ai demands that he target a training dummy in the orc strong hold he lives in (can't remember the name right now) but, in game dynamic things replaces that dummy. Even with the CK loaded with dynamic things, the dummy is still vanilla. Apparently when the game loads is when dynamic things replaces stuff. Lol. Edited by TheNexusLurker
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Hmm..thats weird. I assumed dynamic things used a script to replace all targets with a specific ref id with another target with the same ref id which should not interfere with any npc AI..if it did then by extension no npc in skyrim should be able to interact with the object...got me beat :psyduck:

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Yea that's what's got me confused as well. One other problem is I can't think of any other instance of an npc who interacts with a static effected by dynamic things. I guess you could say the forge or tanning rack but, I don't think those are targets. Ghorbash seems to sandbox attack the dummy rather than using a predefined animation. Can't be sure though because I'm not very good with the CK. Lol. I'm guessing the problem occurs because the dummy doesn't have an animation associated with it, it's just a target. No idea beyond that though..hopeless. lol. Edited by TheNexusLurker
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Ref ID is unique to that instance of the reference.
Natively via script there is no way to replace an item giving it the ref id of another item your replacing.
You can't specify the reference the item you spawn will be even when spawning an item from the same base id as the original, the game engine handles the reference id the item gets and it's beyond the native scope of papyrus scripting functions.

This doesn't mean you can't do some type of work around to Ghorbash AI to work as it should.
Just take a bit of tinkering to see the best way to do it.

I'll take a peek and see what I can come up with.
Maybe patch Dynamic things to ignore Ghorbash training dummy and not replace it.
Just like some of the firewood that Dynamic Things doesn't replace due to some NPC AI uses certain wood piles to do their routine.

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Instead of altering Ghorbash, I'd alter what's causing his AI not to work as intended, that would be Dynamic Things.


I haven't used or dissected Dynamic Things as of yet.

But I assume it's using it's own added base forms to spawn the new items on cell load or game load or whatever.

This is why you don't see any references that belong to Dynamic Things in cells in CK as you said.

So I assume it's a case it spawns the items and disables the original item.


What you could test is:

In the game with Dynamic things loaded, go to the training dummy.

Open the game console and select the replaced training dummy and the type Disable and hit enter.

Then type prid 6A8DF and hit enter.

(6A8DF is the ref id that Ghorbash Training AI package is pointing at).

Then type enable and hit enter and exit the game console


If all went well the original combat dummy should appear.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that as soon as you leave the cell and come back or when you load the game again the replacement dummy will be in it's place again and the original disabled again.


As i said i haven't even looked at or used dynamic things at this point.

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