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Flame Weapon Fire sound


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howdy! i just wanted to ask if anyone else has seen this glitch and if there’s a way to fix it. you see im a big fan of fire weapons, Flamer heavy incinerator, there all great, but the problem is, well lets say i fire it, i hold down the trigger for just a bit then let go, but then i fire it soon after again, for some reason after i fire it again there no firing sound, its just quite. after i reload the weapon or wait a few sec the firing sound returns but its a really pain in the butt to have a long fight with only half the firing sounds for a weapon, does anyone else have this problem? i know that FNV was released as a very glichy game, and lastly does anyone know of any mods that might fix this, i was kinda hoping that i could fix it before next week when dead money comes out for PC


thanks a lot and kodos to anyone who can help me out

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Specifically even thoug you stopped using the flamer, the game has to finish the sound file associated with it. When you start another burst to close together the sileced first sound file will finish not allowing the second instance to start. This was done, so I have heard, to avoid the once a flamer is used and a second instance started the sound file kept going for ever glitch in FO3
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