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Kvatch Rebuilt: Underground BETA


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Kvatch Rebuilt: Underground

Final BETA

The Expansion for Kvatch Rebuilt has been a long and tedious project. It has undergone Cancellations, Team-Changes & Slow-Downs! It all started with Ionis, the Team leader of Kvatch Rebuilt, started working on the Expansion alone - he then went to the university, left with very little time for modding, so he handed the project to me. Since then it has been going slow, as I don't have that much time on my hands either. But we made it, after 2 1/2 years!

The Team behind Kvatch Rebuilt Underground is:

Ionis: Team Leader & Level Designer

Zaldir: Script, Level Design & Quest Design

Warbirddeath: Level Designer

Arthmoor: Bug Fixing


The Expansion lets the player explore the undergrounds beneath Kvatch, and discover the mysterious of many a ruin! This is no Hack-n-Slash dungeon Crawl, but contains a few interesting puzzles! A great reward awaits the ones who dare set foot into the caverns beneath Kvatch!



Requires Shivering Isles!

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Well, you're likely to get beaten to it if you don't post something there soon! :D You'd be surprised how often someone spots something somewhere and creates a post on the forums.


I wonder if I'm psychic or something though... Just the other day I discovered that Oblivion XP didn't have built in support for Kvatch Rebuilt, so I've added a patch for the new version. That was a surprise, considering how long KR has been out. I've taken over development of Oblivion XP...

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks to Arthmoor for correcting the errors in the BETA that made it unplayable.


BETA 5 has now been released, which fixes the errors that made it unplayable. :)

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