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Wrye Mash Utility


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I didn't see this mentioned, so I thought I'd toss it up here.


Wrye Mash


This is a super utility for mod managing. It lets you even choose the load sequence of your mods. It will help prevent those annoying messages when you load your game and displays through color-coding the 'health' of each mod. You can also see at a glance if the mod requires another mod which you might be lacking. It will also warn you if mods are trying to mess with the in-game topics and such.

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Split this off into a new pinned topic... it wasn't really on topic in the other thread, not to mention the topic was very old.


Hey, Wrye Mash looks handy... Wrye Bash looks even more handy! You can finally see what mods your savegames use, a feature OB is stupidly missing...


Thanks for the link! ^^

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You didn't know about Wrye Mash yet? :ohmy: :P

It also has a few ini tweaks (Multiple weather and water tweaks) which you can add (and remove) with a few clicks.


I suppose a pinned thread about Wrye Bash could be posted on the oblivion modifications forum, but that forum has so many pinned threads already. Could be posted in Technical Support too.

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  • 2 years later...
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  • 10 months later...

Wrye Mash not working on Python 2.6 How sad :(


For using this amazing util me need to uninstall all Wrye Python 03a pack and install Python 2.4. This is =:wallbash:


Any idea how adaptive Wrye Mash for Python 2.6?

Edited by Nightaria
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  • 1 year later...

there is a standalone version available. grab it here: http://www.fliggerty...&p=63053#p63053

So that was you who pointed people to grab Melchor's Wrye Mash Stand Alone on GHF no wonder what a surprise I got when I was viewing those archives on GHF Download with over 3800+ downloads! Kudos to you and thanks my friend. :D


However I strongly suggest that anyone should use Yacoby's Wrye Mash 85/86 Stand Alone, which is based on Melchor's WMSA with some Wrye Bash features.


The OP has posted the old link and this link is also old but it's working. :)

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  • 2 years later...

Wrye Mash not working on Python 2.6 How sad http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif


For using this amazing util me need to uninstall all Wrye Python 03a pack and install Python 2.4. This is =http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif


Any idea how adaptive Wrye Mash for Python 2.6?

What are you talking about of course you can use Wrye Mash with Python 2.6 and up to Python 2.7.8 (both Python 2.4 and Python 2.5 are obsolete and shouldn't be used at all), which Arthmoor have confirmed here.


Right now I'm running Python 2.7.8 with Yacoby's Wrye Mash 86 Stand Alone and here are instructions of how to install the dependencies for Python 2.7.8. :smile:

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