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Thieves Guild HQ -Unhealthy Competition


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Well i have the mod up and running and going fine till the mission in the topic description , I can not find the "Make your way to a big room full of moths and look for a hidden door."



I have not been able to a big room full of moths.......



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Vanilla Oblivion does not have a Thieves Guild 'Unhealthy Competition' quest. The Thieves Guild quest 'Turning a Blind Eye' takes you to the Temple of the Ancestor Moths. Here's a link to the UESP Wiki quest walk-through: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Turning_a_Blind_Eye. If in fact your actually doing the miscellaneous Imperial City quest 'Unfriendly Competition', that walk-through is here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Unfriendly_Competition.
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Sorry im talking about the mod named Thieves Guild 'Unhealthy Competition and here is the link http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34465 made by Punk Stevo



And im stuck on the quest Q7 "Revisiting Old Victims" Im pretty sure i have togo back to the temple of ancestor months and look for a "big room full of moths and look for a hidden door." Well i have been all through the temple and have not found this big room full of months.....

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No problem. Unless the mod changes the Temple's layout here's a link to the layout: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Temple_of_the_Ancestor_Moths_(place). Where you're looking for is in zone 3: Catacombs of The Temple of The Moth (rectangular room lower right). The mod must add a door in there. Good luck. Edited by Striker879
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