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Creating a CM partner


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Hello all, thank you for taking your time to read me, and even more if you can help me with my silly little request.


The thing is that I'm making my first cm companion with a custom race... the truth is that this is my very first mod, first time using CS and wrye bash. I'm following this tutorial here http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/CM_Partners_-_How_to_make_one_with_a_custom_race and I haven't had any problem up to the point where it says:


Quit the CS and load Wrye Bash

Find your cmAerith plugin and select it.

In the right hand side right click the Wolven Anthro.esm (A window will say advanced user only blah blah just click Yes] and find the original Wolven Anthro.esp Click the Button Save.

I'm not using wolven anthro,i'm using chocolate elves, but there should be no problem with that.

The thing is that when I right-click the esm i do get the message the tutorial says, but when i choose the esp and click save, i go back to the character esp and the esm is still on the list instead of the esp.


Can anyone used to do this explain this step a little better to me? I'm scared of erasing or changing something and messing everything up.


Thank you again

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Wyre bash can be annoying some times. You may have to do it that step several times to get it to switch to the ESP. It will also help to remove the ESM from your data folder so it wont keep switching back. Remember that you don't have to delete it if you plan on editing later, just remove it to a different folder.

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So far, so good. Now it only remains the testing...

The problem I'm having now is with CS. I can't change the stats to fit the idea of this character I had. For example, when I try to change the skill levels to give her more points in heavy armor than light, or more blunt than blade, the points turn back to their original automatically. Also, base stats like strength and so on appear overshadowed and I can't even try to edit them.

Edited by Tenou31
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