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Martigen's Monster Mod


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Thanks for the reply. Are the animations working alright in both of these mods? The Guar is ridable like a horse, but what does it move like.



HMM? I use MMM always, but I dont recall ever being able to ride the gaurs.... I just kill them

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  • 2 weeks later...
I like the modular aspects of MMM and the fact it also uses the creatures from Lore Creature Expansion. Haven't finished the quest due to lack of time recently. So I can't tell you how seamless the Guar riding is. I used other mods with varied creature mounts (Wolf, Leopard, Clannfear, etc.) and though not perfect they work reasonably well. I can tell you that the animations for all the other creatures including the Guar look reasonably good to me. Did you want to know where to locate the Rideable Guar quest. Don't want to post spoilers unless asked.
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I like the modular aspects of MMM and the fact it also uses the creatures from Lore Creature Expansion. Haven't finished the quest due to lack of time recently. So I can't tell you how seamless the Guar riding is. I used other mods with varied creature mounts (Wolf, Leopard, Clannfear, etc.) and though not perfect they work reasonably well. I can tell you that the animations for all the other creatures including the Guar look reasonably good to me. Did you want to know where to locate the Rideable Guar quest. Don't want to post spoilers unless asked.


Yes i would like to know where the quest is if you don't mind, sounds neat

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