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Scripting an NPC running a quest?


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So I have kind of an ambitious idea for a mod that involves an NPC running a series of quests, rather than the player. As someone who is a complete noob to scripting, and almost a complete noob to modding, I'm curious as to whether or not such a thing is even possible.


For instance, would you be able to make an NPC who runs through the companions quest chain, or at least does so from the players perspective, even if the player isn't necessarily running through that quest chain themselves?



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If you're a complete noob to modding, you don't want to start with this.


You can make the player view something through another characters eyes (ala the Draugr in Wyrmstooth) and you can control the player and NPCs actions. But this would be difficult. I don't believe you can make the player talk to someone while in another NPC, or while they're being controlled. On top of that, it's just not something you should be doing if you don't really have modding experience. There are harder things, but jumping straight into this will make you want to bash your keyboard against the wall, repeatedly.


If you want to get into modding, start here and read the tutorials, practicing, until you feel you have a good handle on things and could figure out most things that are thrown at you:



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Thanks a bunch for the reply. I've gotten my feet wet with modding, and even made a decently successful (albeit simple) follower mod. I've started building another mod that will serve as sort of a quest hub, and am slowly learning the ropes of what all that entails. I know that what I want to do with this is way beyond where I am currently, I'm just trying to get an idea of whether or not it's possible.


To elaborate, and maybe clarify -


Anytime I play through the game these days, I usually completely avoid the main quest chain because I've done it enough that its not really exciting or interesting anymore, and most of the characters I have the notion to create/play, have no interest in being the savior of existence.


My idea was to create an NPC that was essentially the dragonborn. He ran the main quest chain in the world as I did my playthrough. He would gradually progress through the chain as my character leveled. I may or may not encounter him throughout the game, maybe while i was out and about on a quest, or by chance come across him in an inn when I come to crash for the night.


I just thought it'd be neat to exist in the world along side everything that would normally happen during the main quest chain, without actually being directly a part of it.


Hope that helps paint a better picture of what I meant.



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I figured that was what you wanted. There are dozens of requests for it every week. ;) That said, there's a reason it's not been done yet - off the top of my head, I can't say if it, in its entirety, is possible or not. I can say it's a ton of work, and it WILL be difficult, and it MAY be impossible.

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