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Earth X Captain America


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I posted this request already at Planet Elder Scrolls, but got little response. I'm hoping to have better luck here.


The tattered and morose Steve Rogers introduced in Marvel's "Earth X" graphic novel seems a good fit for the Fallout setting, both visually and character-wise. Frankly, I'm stunned nobody's already taken a stab at this guy.


I may have to clarify the details of my request in installments, as I'm using a public terminal to type this. My time is almost up...

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  • 4 months later...

Correction: It was Planet Fallout that I posted to. Not that it matters...no one reads this.



I could understand this disinterest, upcoming movie aside. I really could...

Except that there is a finely honed, popular mod allowing people to play Fallout as Krystal from Starfox Adventures!


When the modding brain trust spurns your ideas in favor of something like that, it's hard not to be insulted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've made a shield that you can melee hit with, block with, and throw. It doesn't bounce yet. I could throw that in and make the Earth X Captain America outfit. Don't know about the companion stuff though.


Dude...if you can handle that...you've all but fulfilled my request!


I'm just happy people are showing more interest. Forums aren't my natural element, and mod requests get buried very quickly.

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Like I said, forums aren't my natural element. If anyone has good reference artwork of Cap X, please post it...

(...I haven't finished figuring out how this posting interface works.)


Alex Ross sketches and artwork depicting Cap's scar patterns are especially useful.

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LOL Maybe you should talk to Jetacon79 or make a standalone shield for his Avengers pack over at New Vegas Nexus. Cause even though it looks pretty bad ass it'd look and feel better if you could use that sield as all that you said you have done BTW can someone download your mod from somewhere.
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