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Recommended Overhaul


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Been a long while since I played Oblivion, and planning to make a new installation.


Well, like the title said, do you have any recommendation for a overhaul mod for oblivion? Last time I used FCOM, which, while very good, was a bit... crowded.


What I'm looking for is:

1. New items/new equipments. It doesn't need to be that much like the old Warcry (which IMHO, was a bit of a clutter).

2. New monsters, as lore friendly as possible.

3. Other improvements


On that note I'm also looking for a recommended vampire overhaul mods. What I'm looking for is something that while interesting is not over a top.

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Second Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul. Its amazing. It has an extensive ini (tweaking not required to run), and is actively supported. As for vampires, there are an infinite variety. One I've been meaning to try is Vampire Revolution by Forli. But other popular vampire overhauls include Unholy Darkness (not on Nexus), LTD Vampire Overhaul and StarX Vanilla Vampires Revised. But like I said, there are a LOT of them around. Haven't tried any of them myself.

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Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul ... latest overhaul, and only one still being actively supported and developed.



Second Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul. Its amazing. It has an extensive ini (tweaking not required to run), and is actively supported. As for vampires, there are an infinite variety. One I've been meaning to try is Vampire Revolution by Forli. But other popular vampire overhauls include Unholy Darkness (not on Nexus), LTD Vampire Overhaul and StarX Vanilla Vampires Revised. But like I said, there are a LOT of them around. Haven't tried any of them myself.


thanks a bunch you two! :)

going to try Maskar's and some of the vampire overhauls

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