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Since there is a 200 year difference between Oblivion and Skyrim, I am sure that there will be many new books. And classics, like the Lusty Argonian Maid. :P


Has anyone bothered to actually read A Warp in the West all the way through (most likely the first skill book that you received)? It's rather interesting.

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I liked A Dance In Fire and The Argonian Account. They were pretty well written, as well as serving as character background for my two favorite races, showing how they are on their "home turf". I also liked the Barenziah series, and a few of the longer skill books. A Game At Dinner made me respect Helseth quite a bit. He's quite the magnificent bastard.


And of course I've gotta mention Ahzirr Trajijazaeri. My bible when it comes to how I play my stealth characters.


There are more, but those are the ones I can think of right now. I've got a chest full of nothing but books in one of my houses. I should make a list.

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