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How to rehabilitate the vicims of crimes and the innocent.


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But in a society where victims get punished double time for only being victims, law and justice faill utterly and can you call this then a state and a country if this happens to a bunch of people ?

Now I take this topic to the next level what would be if a group that I could name with one or two words would face this more often than others because of discrimination from the police and from judges and from politicians.

think twice if this is not possible.

Ok I have read the cryptic clues not once but several times and I must confess that I come up with several sub sets of the population that would fit in this category. They range from people with an 'alternate' sexual orientation to actual racial minorities and could even include political groups as well, so if this is a bread crumb hunt then how about a few more crumbs as I wander through the woods?

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Silver, your topic just brings up so many, many subjects at least to my mind. I have already spoken once in this thread, and would really rather leave it now to others.


However, I would like to just respond to one thing that you mentioned here in your very last post; that being the beating suffered by one person at the hands of several people. You said that this was witnessed by 30 or 40 people, and only one called the police.


I have very mixed emotions when I hear this paticular story. One might say, "why did people not come to the defense of the victim?". But that is easy to say, when we were not there and do not know all of the circumstances. But to at least call for help seems like a logical move, and for only one person to do this is rather sad.


I remember once many years ago when I witnessed a person being mugged in a subway station in New York. There were dozens of people streaming past this incident, and no one even looked at what was happening. I did look, but felt frightened for my own safety. I yelled that I would get the police; and I rushed out of the station and ran down the street to locate a policeman and directed him to the scene. I later wondered, if I should have personally intervened; but I do not believe that I should have. I had no means of subduing the muggers. But I did what I thought I could to try and help the victim. What amazed me though was the number of people who "seemed" not to care at all.


We had an incident in New York City many, many years ago, where a woman named Kitty Genovese was brutally attacked in the street. She screamed for help. I do not remember all the details anymore, but apparently over 20 people watched this happen from their windows, and none even bothered to call the police. I cannot remember all of the specifics, but I am pretty sure she died as a result of this beating (and maybe rape). This was a public street, not a dark back alley. No one took the time to help her.


It is understandable for people to feel personal fear in the face of danger, and we all have to make choices about what kinds of sacrifices we are willing to make in that respect. The same goes for the expenditure of funds on behalf of the needy. But when it comes to helping our brothers and sisters in need when there is relatively little cost to ourselves, physical, emotional, spiritual or financial; it is very hard for me to understand the sense of ennui that I sometimes see in humanity.



Sorry for my absence because i was working on a project I had only minimal time here. (only to read)

Are the witnesses that don't help more closer to the victim or the violator granny? Aside from that little point it is a good post.


Sorry, Silver. I too have been away from the site for a few days and only just saw this response. Your question begs a lengthy philosophical conversation. In my personal opinion they are more victims than violators, as they will have much to deal with as they go through their lives. However in the immediacy of the given situation they are closer to the violators, as they have shown no human compassion to the weaker individuals in the circumstance at hand.


But in a society where victims get punished double time for only being victims, law and justice faill utterly and can you call this then a state and a country if this happens to a bunch of people ?

Now I take this topic to the next level what would be if a group that I could name with one or two words would face this more often than others because of discrimination from the police and from judges and from politicians.

think twice if this is not possible. I truly believe that your "next level" actually calls for a whole new thread. This brings us to an entirely new territory. Although connected, it brings with it so much more baggage that the ensuing discussing would potentially be fraught with side issues and potentially get away from your original topic. Just my opinion

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Sometimes the people in power Willfully allow such horrors to happen ..sometimes they know.. the police will drive by a brutal attack and ignore it.. the paperwork and annoyance is not worth it.

Family and Social Services know when a child is being sexually and or physically abused.. yet do nothing to stop it.. sometimes they hide it from the light of day so no one knows about it..

When the victim dies.. at his or her own hand. or the hand of her tormentors .. it's most often swept under the rug.. if it does come to light no one in power was responsible.. "it wasn't OUR fault"

The scars stay forever.. the nightmares never fully go away.. and the tears. sometimes just a smell.. a sound.. or seeing someone slap their child in a store .. it all comes back and you just have to cry.. you never heal... you just try to go on.. and even a just punishment cannot make the wounds truly heal.. you just become numb to the pain.


Some of us are strong enough to survive.. some of us recover somewhat... some of us are soo wounded and scarred there's no healing... some of us take our own lives just to make the pain go away.. some of us died inside when our innocence was stolen.. some of us never lived to be scarred... we died then.... in our tormentors hands..

Rehab is a hope.. a prayer.. something we lost broken souls cry for.. but not always does it come...

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I don't think I believe in rehabilitation in the same sense most people do, due to some significant personal experiences. I don't believe.. when something terrible happens to us..we go to some rehab or recovery counseling and we suddenly find this regained sense of safety. Or that constant affirmations of love and kinship will do much to satisfy the gaping empty space that comes after certain tragedy.


In my opinion, the only truly good and efficient, if you will, thing we can do for these poor souls is to teach them that not only CAN they survive anything that hits them, but that they have. That even though there are monsters under the bed and that it is sometimes scary in the dark and bad things happen and life is very, very unfair, you can get through it.


They survived....and they are still moving and breathing and putting one, ratty boot in front of the other. No matter what, as long as they do that...they can get through anything. Others can take away your life, they can harm your mind and pillage the body...but if you keep looking forward you win. Letting someone...no matter what they do to you....take that integral part of you that is YOU can only happen if you let them.


Because as long as you can show someone that they survived whatever it was, that they breath and they still put that one ratty boot in front of the other...there is hope...and only you can take that away from yourself...nobody else can do it.

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I don't think I believe in rehabilitation in the same sense most people do, due to some significant personal experiences. I don't believe.. when something terrible happens to us..we go to some rehab or recovery counseling and we suddenly find this regained sense of safety. Or that constant affirmations of love and kinship will do much to satisfy the gaping empty space that comes after certain tragedy.


In my opinion, the only truly good and efficient, if you will, thing we can do for these poor souls is to teach them that not only CAN they survive anything that hits them, but that they have. That even though there are monsters under the bed and that it is sometimes scary in the dark and bad things happen and life is very, very unfair, you can get through it.


They survived....and they are still moving and breathing and putting one, ratty boot in front of the other. No matter what, as long as they do that...they can get through anything. Others can take away your life, they can harm your mind and pillage the body...but if you keep looking forward you win. Letting someone...no matter what they do to you....take that integral part of you that is YOU can only happen if you let them.


Because as long as you can show someone that they survived whatever it was, that they breath and they still put that one ratty boot in front of the other...there is hope...and only you can take that away from yourself...nobody else can do it.




Perfectly said, LisnPuppy. Why am I not surprised!






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I don't think I believe in rehabilitation in the same sense most people do, due to some significant personal experiences. I don't believe.. when something terrible happens to us..we go to some rehab or recovery counseling and we suddenly find this regained sense of safety. Or that constant affirmations of love and kinship will do much to satisfy the gaping empty space that comes after certain tragedy.


In my opinion, the only truly good and efficient, if you will, thing we can do for these poor souls is to teach them that not only CAN they survive anything that hits them, but that they have. That even though there are monsters under the bed and that it is sometimes scary in the dark and bad things happen and life is very, very unfair, you can get through it.


They survived....and they are still moving and breathing and putting one, ratty boot in front of the other. No matter what, as long as they do that...they can get through anything. Others can take away your life, they can harm your mind and pillage the body...but if you keep looking forward you win. Letting someone...no matter what they do to you....take that integral part of you that is YOU can only happen if you let them.


Because as long as you can show someone that they survived whatever it was, that they breath and they still put that one ratty boot in front of the other...there is hope...and only you can take that away from yourself...nobody else can do it.




Perfectly said, LisnPuppy. Why am I not surprised!

I don't see why self inner reliance is sad, in fact I tend to favor that method of dealing with a horrific event.

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I don't think I believe in rehabilitation in the same sense most people do, due to some significant personal experiences. I don't believe.. when something terrible happens to us..we go to some rehab or recovery counseling and we suddenly find this regained sense of safety. Or that constant affirmations of love and kinship will do much to satisfy the gaping empty space that comes after certain tragedy.


In my opinion, the only truly good and efficient, if you will, thing we can do for these poor souls is to teach them that not only CAN they survive anything that hits them, but that they have. That even though there are monsters under the bed and that it is sometimes scary in the dark and bad things happen and life is very, very unfair, you can get through it.


They survived....and they are still moving and breathing and putting one, ratty boot in front of the other. No matter what, as long as they do that...they can get through anything. Others can take away your life, they can harm your mind and pillage the body...but if you keep looking forward you win. Letting someone...no matter what they do to you....take that integral part of you that is YOU can only happen if you let them.


Because as long as you can show someone that they survived whatever it was, that they breath and they still put that one ratty boot in front of the other...there is hope...and only you can take that away from yourself...nobody else can do it.




Perfectly said, LisnPuppy. Why am I not surprised!

I don't see why self inner reliance is sad, in fact I tend to favor that method of dealing with a horrific event.


Inner-self reliance isn't bad..perhaps I didn't speak clearly...its going to these places for them to spoon feed it to you. Many programs now days take a far softer course of gaining some sense of self perception...that eventually all these programs and people can't help you until you are willing to accept that survival was the most important thing. I guess I am having difficulty explaining this..sorry! *grin*

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