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What do you want to see in Reactive People - Ultimatum?


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I am currently making a new version of Reactive People that will include all Reactive People mods.

But I need suggestions to improve the mod.

What do you guys want? :thumbsup:


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i want PCs to react to death more realistically. just the other day i helped out a couple of NCR patrol troops against a robot and some fire geckos. We killed the lot but they managed to kill 1 NCR soldier who collapsed at the foot of his comrades. After the battle, the remaining soldiers stood almost on top of the dead guy and started carrying on a conversation. It would be nice if they showed a little concern for their fallen comrade
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I posted this in the Reactive people endorsements thread, but I'll post it here too:


How about something that gets rid of faction reputation loss for kills in military factions (Gangers, NCR, Legion Brotherhood, etc.), and instead all of the military factions have radios that they use to call in attacks. So if you rush into a small isolated outpost and kill everyone there in 10-20 seconds there'd be no faction loss because no one had any time to call in and describe who attacked them. It would also punish you for failed stealth kills... like when you try to stealth kill someone and you don't do enough damage so you run away and come back to finish them off once they've become friendly again.


Also perhaps an investigation of stealth killed bodies. Just imagine you're standing around in the wasteland when suddenly *SPLOOOOOSH*, you look behind you and your life long friend is now puddle of blood, guts, organs, and bone. You see someone covered in your buddies entrails and carrying a bloody clawed gauntlet. ''Living in the Mojave Wasteland makes you wish for a nuclear winter''....

Uhhhh, no.


Also on the subject of what the earlier poster said, what about like NPCs giving you an item, fame increase, or at least saying "thanks" if you run into a firefight between two forces and help one of them out. (ie: saving a travelling merchant and their guard from 5 Vipers)

Edited by JCP768
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