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Need house for custom npcs request


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Hello, my friend made me npc follower mods but they have no house, and I want them to have their own house, how can I do it?

Can I post the mod here so that modder can help me?

the mod contains mod from here so Im not sure If I can post it here.

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Well, you could use my home is your home: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18045/?


That way, you could make them live wherever you want. If you want a house made specifically for them, just tell me what you want it to be like (size, appearance, contents, etc.) and where you want it, and I can make it for you. Then you can just use my home is your home to make them live there.

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Actually not all npcs made by my friend are followers, there are childrens and elders coming soon, so "my home is your home" mod will not be applicable.

My friend already made a test house for them at falkreath (He said it has house key and house faction) but its not working, everytime I load my game, it crashes.

Edited by CyranGE
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Hello, I managed to make it work but everytime I add a new bed it crashes again.

so my latest request would be add bed in the house and fix the packages for the 2 npcs. the 2 npcs dont stay in their home :sad:

Edited by CyranGE
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Okay. I can fix it for you, but I think it might be a better learning experience for you if you do if yourself, since you apparently have already started using the creation kit. It sounds to me like the house is maybe reliant on mods you don't have or is 'dirty' in some other way. I don't know if 'cleaning' it with TES5EDIT would help or not, but it might be worth making a backup of the files and trying it to see.

Have you messed with packages at all? I don't know a lot about them, but I think making NPCs not leave their starting spell is just a checkbox.

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